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Have i done the right thing?!


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Ive been looking forward to getting Tui at the end of october and was satisfied that as long as i left him/her plenty of toys and things to stimulate Tui that there wouldnt be a problem leaving Tui at home during the day whilst im at work, although i can nip home at lunchtimes for half an hour but, recently i have been reading an article on the solway parrots club website which says "if you work all day and not at home then an African Grey is NOT the bird for you" :(


Im really looking forward to getting Tui and visit the breeder once a week to take photos and video. He says it wont be a problem that as long as Tui has toys, maybe the radio left on and plenty of stimulation and interaction when i come home that i wont have any problems.


What do you think...have i done the right thing!? :blink: :unsure:



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I go to work at 7:30 in the morning and I'm gone until 3:30 everyday of the week. I get Malibu out in the morning for about 45 minutes while I get ready for work then he goes in his cage. He is in there all day by himself. I really don't think it is a big deal. He is just fine. He plays with his toys and eats his food all day. When I come home at 3:30 he is out for the whole night with us. I mean I wanted an african grey as a pet and I couldn't quit my job so you still have to go to work. How else could you support your grey :ohmy: Hope this helps!

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I have a full-time job that takes me out of the house by 7:30 each morning and often doesn't get me home until 5:30 p.m. Maxi gets to join me for about an hour in the morning as I get ready for work, and again for a couple of hours in the evening. (We spend more real quality time together in the evening.) While I am at work, I either leave the radio on or the television, and I try to alternate channels and stations from week to week so she has different things to listen to. She also has quite a few toys, of course. :) My 13-year-old daughter usually gets home in the afternoon a couple of hours before I do, and she will go in and say hi to Max briefly, but I know she doesn't spend hours with her.


I know it's not perfect, but it works. I notice that when I am able to spend more time with Max, she "gives back" more, too, and I delight in the occasional days that I can actually take her with me to work. They are not frequent, though. Maxi is a Timneh, and fairly mellow in temperament; I know CAGs are reputed to be more "sensitive". I would be interested in hearing others' opinions on this in the forum. For my part, I don't think you should let the one website put you off right away. Soudns like you have your heart in the right place on this issue.

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Mika (CAG) is alone 5 days a week,I leave about 7-7:30 in he morning not returning til 5-5:30 at night. He spends a hour out in the morning with me getting ready and we have out breakfast together. I have a TV on a timer that comes on approx 2 hours after I leave and stays on for a couple of hours. Then there is approx 2 hours of quiet and then a radio comes on (also on a timer) and stays on in the background till I get home. He has a 2 toys in his cage full of treats that he works on during the day plus plenty of other toys. He is out of his cage from when I get home till his bed time, so plenty of out time. It has worked for us and he seems to be fine with this pattern.

Lots of luck, with making a decision


Carolyn & Mika

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Hi I have to leave Charlie all day and he is fine. I have had him 5 years and not had problems caused by leaving him. I know its not ideal but If your grey starts with this routine they accept it. I do have a cockatiel in the same room and I am sure they keep each other company. I also leave a radio or tv on and think of things to occupy him,I am sure it will be ok.

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Thanks for the replies!


I cant wait to get Tui home...28th October.


Its good to hear of your experiences and hope that mine goes as well as yours! I'll keep the radio/television on (the idea of a timer is a good one, especially with the rising costs of electricity!)and make sure there are plenty of things to keep him/her occupied!


Thanks again.

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Yes, a grey will adapt to your schedule. It may not be an ideal situation but as long as they get time to spend with you interacting daily they will be fine. I try to change my schedule up occasionally just so Lyric gets used to change. For instance, sometimes I can bring him to work with me, other days he stays home. He really enjoys the days he gets to come with me, sometimes I can tell when he's been home alone he is crankier, but we all do the best we can for them. I let Lyric out for at least a half hour in the morning and eat breakfast with him. I come home for lunch and he's out at least another half hour, then when I get home at night he's out for as long as possible. Good luck and I know you must be excited waiting for the 28th to get here. Keep us updated!

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