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hi all, just registered today. I'm 20 and live in Ireland and have a congo african grey. I'm having some problems with him at the moment and came across this forum while looking for a solution. We got our grey Jake when I was 14 and he was a year old and hand tame when we got him. Unfortunately at that age I was a bit apprehensive of putting my hand near him and received a nasty bite which drew blood, this put me off trying to tame him totally which I regret and have started to try again now.


I realise it's such a waste for him to be just sitting there in that cage when we could both be getting enjoyment out of each other. He was always a bit nippy when I would be changing food from outside the cage and would try and bite me any time, but the other night when I decided to give it another go, he came out and sat on top of the cage, I couldn't believe it when I put my hand near him that he came over, put one foot up on the back of my hand and went from finger to finger, not biting, just gripping gently. He then started to let me pet him all over, and let me grip his beak, and any time I put my hand near the cage from then on he would come over straight away and do the same again.


He also did a lot of regurgitating, he'd put his beak between two fingers and do this, I understand this is a form of showing affection? The thing is, he still has a go at me when my hand is inside the cage (I'm guessing this could be because it's his territory and has been in there so long) I actually feel really bad now that I haven't given him as much attention as I could have, letting one bad experience get the better of me.


However, today when letting him out after doing the whole gripping my fingers in his beak he instantly grabbed my hand hard, which hurt a bit but he didn't leave a mark. He'd put his head down to be petted and then have a go at me straight away. I couldn't understand this as he was practically running over to my hand the other nights I let him out.


I know he's been in his cage so long with no handling whatsoever, so it could take a long time to gain his trust, but he is obviously still partially tame from the time he was with his previous owner


Sorry if I've went off rambling, but thought I would give you the whole story. Any opinions/help would be much appreciated.


Thank you


Tommy<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2008/09/25 17:47

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Hi Tommy, and welcome to the forum! What an interesting backstory you have with your grey - I give you credit for recognizing that the relationship needs work after so long, and for trying to overcome your own biting-induced hesitancy in order to make life better for both Jake and yourself! It certainly sounds like your grey wants to interact with you more! Patience will definitely be a key in regainig and establishing a trusting relationship between the two of you.


One tip I know of, relating to your comment "He'd put his head down to be petted and then have a go at me straight away": When his head was down, was he also looking down, or was he looking up at you? If he was looking up at you, it may be a setup: he's luring you in to bite you. My Timneh used to do this with me and still does it with strangers sometimes, but I honestly think it's not about hostility or being evil, but just their idea of a game. If you give a big yell and jerk away at the bite (natural response, of course), that rewards them for the "trick", and they'll do it again. I just stopped offering my hand to Maxi when she had her head down but was looking up at me, and now she doesn't even try it with me. Head-down-and-looking-down is likely to be safer.


It also sounds from what you've said like Jake's first real affectionate overture to you was when you just "put your hand near him". Maybe it would help to slow down a bit and just put your hands near him more often, and let him take the intitiative to approach you at this stage. The regurgitating is definitely affection, and it sure sounds to me like he's showing you that he's interested in more interaction with you. Sounds like he is experimenting with what works, what he's comfortable with ... and what he can get away with:evil: .


Good luck, and keep us posted! There are lots of people on here with LOTS more experience than I have, so keep those questions coming!

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Thanks for the reply LindaMary, it has shed light on some things. Regarding him putting his head down to be petted and if he was looking at me or not, he seems to be looking at the floor, but then just twists his head around and gives me a nip, I'm going to let him out and do his thing, at the moment when he's out he just constantly climbs around the outside of his cage, obviously being amazed at just being out of it.


I've noticed however he's trying to get down off the cage and onto the floor, but has no way of climbing down. I thought if I could get him up onto my arm I could put him down there, but he's only putting one foot up, and gripping my fingers with his beak but never putting the other foot up. I understand it'd be wishful thinking that he'd step up straight away after years of not being handled, but I think it's a good sign that he isn't lunging at me and attacking me straight off and is doing this regurgitating thing, hopefully he isn't too scarred from being left in there without handling for so long.


I've ordered him a large playstand with feeders etc and will let him out a lot more from now on so he can get used to being out. I look forward to some more replies and thanks for the help.





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Hi Tommy! Welcome to the forum. I'm so glad that you decided to try giving your grey a fresh start with you. I know taking a bite from one of them can be scary, but they can tell if you are afraid of them and use that to get the upperhand. However, if he's been stuck in the cage ever since, it didn't work out so well for him. LindaMary has given you lots of good advice. It is going to take time and patience for Jake to understand what is going on with this new relationship with you. You need to move at his pace and accept that he may have a few setbacks (biting you) along the way. This is his way of telling you that he isn't happy about something. By the way, how do you react when the bites occur? You should try not to give a big reaction, give him a dirty look and a firm "NO" and put him back inside his cage for about 10 minutes or so, ignoring him. He will soon catch on that if he wants your attention he shouldn't bite.

Sounds like you are on the right track with ordering him a playstand. He will come to appreciate the new freedom you are offering and in time perhaps you can have a great relationship with each other. Thanks for giving him a second chance.

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Hello Lyric, thanks for the reply. When he bites me or gives me a nip, I do as you said and say NO, loud enough for him to get the message, then I put him back in the cage when I can. It's hard to get him back into the cage as I can't handle him and usually have to jingle around a set of keys and place them in his cage, then he goes right in.


Today when he bit me however he was sitting near the door so I said NO and closed the door and left him there. I let him out again and he was climbing the door and gave me another nip, I gave him the same response and put him back in. Later this evening I went downstairs and he was sitting on the bottom of the cage looking sorry for himself, looking at me and then back to the door of his cage, making soft sort of whistling sounds, he was also tapping his beak off the side of the cage while looking at me as well. He obviously wants to get out more but I may teach him a lesson from now on.



I have to admit I'm amazed he's as tame as he is with me ( to a certain degree ) as he always took to my father and always mimic'd his voice, unfortunately my father has been ill for the past few years with respiratory problems and can't really handle him, but always makes the effort of talking to him and feeding him. Hopefully over the coming months with some hard work and patience I can get him to a level where he won't bite and will step up and the story will have a happy ending. :cheer: :laugh:


Thanks for the replies and advice, all is welcome.



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Hey, Tommy - after reading your latest post, I'm especially glad that you have decided to redouble your efforts to build up a bond with Jake. I feel like he could be missing the closeness he had with your father before your dad became ill, and therefore may be especially in need of all the attention you can offer.


Remember to keep your "time-outs" short (by which I mean the times you put him back in his cage and walk away after he nips). It's like working with a very young child - if the time-out is too long, they really lose the message : they no longer associate the "punishment" (the temporary cold shoulder) with the behavior they did that caused it. So after the few minutes of ignoring him after a bite, I would return to the cage and at least talk to him gently and put your hands close to him as you mentioned, or if you have time let him out again for another try. Let him know you don't hold grudges: he only gets the time-outs when he bites (or otherwise specifically misbehaves.) It'll take time - pace yourself and try your best to be consistent. I'm sure Jake will reward you!

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Thanks for the replies again. Just had a nip at me again when he was on the side of the cage with his beak out, was making soft sounds and then when I went to pet him, bam. Missed me though. :P Hopefully some day he won't be trying to lure me into a false sense of security. :laugh:

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Hi Tommy,

Welcome to the grey forums, I'm also from Ireland;) The others have given you great advice and given time I'm sure you will make great progress with him. I know you have had your grey a long time, but there are some threads in the Rescue room which might be helpful.


Whenever you get a chance we'd love to see some pictures of Jake;)


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Welcome Tommy!!


Everyone has given you given advice to start you on the way to building a GreYt relationship with Jake.It's wonderful to hear how he already interacts with you.


Just learn his sly ways and watch his body language and you won't get as many surprise nips. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Just an update, I've been continuing to let Jake out and he's becoming more tame, but still tries to bite the odd time, today he actually grabbed onto my fathers hand tight and was lifted into the air when my father pulled it away, yet didnt leave a mark.:blink:


Today marks the first time he's ever been down on the floor, following are some pics - sorry for the bad quality, they were taken on my phone.



I'll upload the pics in a sec, had some trouble with the size!


Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2008/10/03 17:30<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2008/10/03 17:59

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Just out :)




Taking in his surroundings :whistle:






One small step :woohoo:





Loves the keys :silly:






Still loving them keys :lol: As you can see, he doesn't mind me lifting the keys away.





Looking up at my father, who's on oxygen..we had to move the tubing away countless times, too nosy :lol:



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Hi Tommy,

considering you have only been working with him a week you have made amazing progress with him! Him allowing you to touch the keys while he is playing with them is very good. If Oisin has something that I want, I could well get a nip, particularly if he knows he isnt supposed to have it:laugh:


Keep up the good work with him, he is a handsome grey;)


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