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My first bird ever


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Hello Grey lovers,


This is my first bird ever, and would like to know what to do when he doesn't want to get off my shoulder when he needs to be put on his perch. He usually pinches me. Just want to know the best technique. Also, would like to know what is the best way to repremand when he flies down onto the furniture without my approval. I want him to be trained properly. The breeder is mostly my sounding board, but would like to hear from others.

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I would say that you need to work on step up training. I only recently got my grey and I became a bit complacent putting her on my shoulder only a week after getting her. While she didn't bite me, she simply would not get down for about 30 minutes so I simply left her there and have been working on step up ever since.

Someone can probably help you more with the flying onto the furniture part. But I know that most birds who start to bond to their owners don't want to go very far away from them.

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Like DarkM said, you need to work on step-up training. Until your bird steps up without hesitation I would not allow him onto your shoulder. When it comes to the pinching you need to just take it. If you back off from a pinch it WILL turn into all out bites because he will learn that using his beak will get him what he wants. I do allow my grey on my shoulder but we have a good relationship and I trust her not to bite and she steps up when asked. As for the flying to furniture you can't punish him for that but train him. Every time he leaves the perch you put him on you need to put him right back where you put him. Yes, it could be a constant thing at first, but if you give in he will just keep doing it. If he flys off 50 times you need to put him back all 50 times. I would tell Elmo to "stay put" when I put him somewhere and want him to stay there. Greys are smart and they will catch on that if they fly off you will put him back. Now, if he stays where you want him give him a small treat while he is being good and tell him he's been good.

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Hello and welcome to the grey forum. Please tell us a little more about your grey, what is his name etc.


As DarkMocha said the most important thing you need to teach your baby right now is the step up command. This way you can have him step up and put him where you want him. I believe getting on your shoulder is a privilege that should be earned when you trust your bird. I allow one of my greys on my shoulder, but not the other as I dont trust him enough.;)


Here is a thread on teaching the step up command.





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I do agree the step up command is one of the most important commands you will need. As for repremanding greys its really doesn't work. Remember the are flock animals and are all equal we as part of the flock are equal and not 'bosses' They are so unlike dogs oh it would be so simple if they where ;) as said before you must re-enforce good behaviour with treats and praise. As BMustee said it trial and error you must just keep taking him off the furniture time and time again but one day they will get it. Hope this helps:)

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Hi welcome to the forum. As people have already said, work on step up. If you get a pinch just ignore it but try and take notice of what is going on when he does this, are you returning him to his cage. taking him out of the cage. petting him, cleaning his cage , is he on your arm, shoulder ect.See if any pattern is emerging. He is probabley still settelling in so its early days. I would not allow him on your shoulder untill he is more trustworthy.You cant punish a bird for anything, such as flying where he should not go to but by being consistant with removing him from the out of bounds furniture and returning him to a more suitable perch he should cotton on. Always praise and give healthy treats when your bird is perching in a good place and when he stays their. Good luck. Sheila

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