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Head shaking


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Hi all,

I would like a little bit of advice my CAG jake has just started shaking his head rather a lot and he seems to go into a sort of trance quite often he also has started biting for no reason he sits on his perch and his starts head going backwards like hes looking up all the time, Jake is 4 years old and he has a splayed leg so he tends to fall off his perch which is low down, im just a little worried he has done some neurogical damageany advice would most welcome.


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Hi Mick

Welcome to the forum. Personally, I would be thinking about a vet trip to have him looked at. Head shaking on its own is quite normal, my 2 do it all the time. It looks like they have something in their ear and are trying to shake it out. But the combinaton of the trance and putting his head back doesnt sound normal at all. And since you have reason to believe he may have hit his head, thats all the more reason to consider a trip to the vet;)


Let us know how he gets on!


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In your situation which is a bit different, it would be wise to go to the vet. We would not be doing the right thing by giving specific advice on a possible medical condition. Many birds shake their heads when nervous or they're naturally hyper but because of him falling off periodically, he might have injured himself. The vet can put your mind at ease concerning your situationn.

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no not yet. Jake is looking much better acting a lot better couldnt get to the vets yesterday because my car has had to go to the garage for mot repairs re schuled the vets appointment for weds of next week i am keeping a close eye on him the vet said any change i should ring and take him straight away but didnt sound to concerned. i will of course keep you all informed.


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