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Hi all,


Just to introduce myself and my flock. There is me, 2 CAGs Oscar and Rosaka, 1 B and G Macaw Katka (rescue), 4 Blue masked lovebirds Betty, george, Grace and Max(rescue). 4 dogs Mabel, Lily, Phil and David. 1 cat Ivy(rescue)and A snake called John. Its a mad house but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am from London but live in a small village in the Czech Republic with my partner. Looking forward to get to know you all..


Here are is a link to the bigger birds in my flock..




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Hello Tommy and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


My you have quite the zoo there but I am sure they keep you company as much as they are work to take care of, pets do make life so much more enjoyable.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing some pictures with us, they are a lovely bunch of birds and they look like they are having lots of fun.

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Thank you all for you warm welcome.

lovemygreys I am from East London (Canning Town) which is now Docklands. So I am a cockney lad :). It can be a mad house here :blink: Katka has a few problems her last owner was an alcoholic and used to get her drunk sometimes. There are no health problems thank god but she has a few mental problems. She has come on in leaps and bounds though so I am very happy. We are adding to our flock this weekend in the form of a 6 month female CAG. Her owner bought her for the kids age 6 and 3. We all know thats not a good idea and he found out the hard way that it doesn't work after the 3 year old got munched badly on the hand. Really some people, if they just did their homework a bit.

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oh poor Katka, I am glad this bird is now in a more stable environment, well as stable as it can get with such a large flock. What issues does Katka have and how do you help her with them. How exciting getting another bird. I am a Liverpool lass and just dote on my two birds. Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/25 11:36

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The flock seem to really be happy with one another although Katka is never out at the same time as Oscar and Rosaka they are in the same room and chat to eachother. Katka is very insucure and as separation problems, she also nips to get what she wants i.e attenion. If I have a glass of wine she goes mad to get at it. whith the separation I call to her when out of sight when I am out the house the tv is on at night she is covered, this as all worked well and the screaming has reduced to almost nothing. Nipping is a on going problem and is taking time. Its not hard at all but if she nips no scritches if she carries on she goes back to the play stand. Its a slow process but we are making progress. she is really loving you can lay her on her back and do most things to her. The drinking wine well its out of mugs now she made a connection to wine glasses. that one was simple:woohoo:

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