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My baby comes home in one week!


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I just got the email from the breeder saying I can pick her up tomorrow!!! I'm so excited! But I'm sad for you Cflanny! I know how disappointed you must have been when you heard another week. I'll be thinking of you. Can't wait to see pics of your baby too!


I'm glad everybody likes Isabeau as a name. I've been trying to decide for sure but am leaning heavily towards Isabeau though I also considered Aquila, Esme, Willow and Quinn. Any thoughts?

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awww i love little baby parrots.. Im useless with names though, Adanna's name was picked afer two months of my bf looking through african names, and he decided he loved that one, cause apperently it means fathers loving daughter lol... Im slowly but surely thinking of getting another grey... xx

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She's home! She's home! She is nervous and timid but very sweet and will step right up for me! She's napping now. Poor thing is all tuckered out. I'm still debating on the name but it will probably end up being Isabeau. So, I need some advice. My Senegal doesn't like her which I expected, but he wants to fly at her and attack her. Any advice on how I should handle this?


Pictures later... my daughter took off with the camera today of all days!

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Well you should let him out, but not at the same time for the time being. And maybe not ever. There is no guarantee he will ever like her.

Here is a link to a thread about introducing a second bird. Its written about a grey but it could equally apply to your 2!



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Okay, what does everybody think of the name Persephone? I think I might like it more than Isabeau. Hmmmm... I also like Elanor, Belakane (african queen), Echo and Haven. Any favorites?


Isabeau is from the film Ladyhawke.


Persephone (per seff on ee) is Greek myth and also a planet in the show Firefly.


Elanor is a Lord of the Rings reference. It's a flower and the name of Sams daughter. Also there is Eleanor Rigby that I could sing to her. :)


Haven is also a LOTR reference as in The Grey Havens.<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/09/28 05:48

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