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Hey everyone,


I am in need of advice with my grey, COCO… I introduced him a few months ago when we moved into my new apt and he was freaked out… Well he is very much back to his old self again… and talking even more… but also making a lot of noise (ringing like the phone, biting on his cage) and my neighbors are starting to complain… I’m not sure what to do as far as keeping him from screaming… I never covered his cage in the night and wondering if this is something I should consider… He is 13 yrs old now… Any help or advice would be great…




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Is it the neighbors above and below you or those behind an adjoining wall? If it's the latter and you don't have the option of moving him to a room that doesn't share a wall with your neighbors, you might try using some acoustical curtains or other soundproofing material. You can even layer the curtains to make them more effective. Just make sure to use something that your bird won't try to eat!

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I am sorry your neighbours have started complaining.

This was one of my worries when I got my second grey, I actually went and asked them before I bought Keeko and they were great!

I think we all need to win the lottery and each have a detached house!

Kaedyn has offered some great advice.

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Greys can like all parrots be noisey. All I can sugest is making sure he is occupied, ie lots of toys, time out his cage and plenty of human interaction. I can also sugest a more alternative approach, How friendley are you with the neighbours,a friend of mine had trouble with her neighbours complaining about her bird, she decided to introduce them to the bird and she even persuaded them to call in on the bird while she was at work. They soon grew to like the bird and understand a bit more about parrots. I am not sugesting you let strangers handle your bird or enter your house, my friend new her neighbours quite well, but perhaps talking to them and introducing the bird may help.I also agree with the idea of extra sound proofing.It may be the best idea.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/23 20:42

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What sort of times during the day is he making a lot of noise? If it happens at certain times you can try and preempt it with giving him something to take his mind off making the noise, something to occupy him for awhile.If it is later in the night we turn down the lights and this is their cue to get ready for bed and they stop making a noise.


I know ours make a lot of noise in the morning and I now have a routine where they sit on the table and help me prepare breakfast and then come to the shower and they forget about making a lot of noise. I also give them a palm nut to keep them occupied.


In the evening they are off again and I know I have to get them dinner by a certain time otherwise they start making a huge noise. This is the time I also play with them, quite active games to get them tired.


We also live in an apartment and I know how worrying it can be about the neighbours. We actually asked out neighbour after a year if they heard anything and they said no. I am sure one of the neighbours must though, they do get pretty loud.

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