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It's been so long!


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Hello my loves!


It's been so long since I've had the pleasure of everyone's company, work has been keeping me so busy along with school, then Ike hit us and no power for like a week and a half, whew!


Anyway, Just checking in, Woody is still my little joy-schmoobie-bundle, but he is getting spoiled! :P


We went to the vet last week and 280.00 USD later, all of his annual bloodwork, cultures, and tests checked out fine - which is great news!


We're also still building relationship, since we are still relatively new to one another in the grand scheme of the next 50 years we are going to spend together, so I've included a picture of one of our little love moments!


Hope all is well with everyone, hopefully I'll see ya'll on the forums!

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Ohhhhh, how cute is that! Well, from that picture it looks like the two of you have a good bond already.


Knowing that your Grey is healthy is pricless, but if you had to put a price on it $280 is a price worth paying. :laugh:


It's also good to know you and Woody made it through Ike ok. Being in Southwest FL I know how it feels to go through a storm, and go without power for weeks at a time...I think that is worse than the storm.

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What a sweet picture of you and Woody, you two look like you are getting along just fine and glad to hear you made it thru Ike and his wrath.


I know we all can get busy with work and all but do come back as often as you can and keep us informed of any new progress but it looks like you are set for a lifetime of happiness with Woody.

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