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plucking & flirting


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I've just acquired Billy, a 12 1/2 yr old CAG who's had 2 owners; the first, a lady who developed an allergy, the second a couple who had him for 2 yrs. When I saw him he was on a manmade perch in a large cage sitting silently; the room was immaculate - no signs of parrot destruction! Alarm bells rang & when I said, 'oh, poor thing' I was given him. He prefers men; in fact he didn't get on well with the wife. I suspect Billy's a girl. He rarely bites me, but he becomes animated when he sees a man. His feathers are plucked from chest, legs & shoulders. After 6 wks he grew 12, but they've gone again. He seems to display sexual behaviour when allowed to climb on male shoulders or behind necks. he interacts with me for short periods, but is happiest when gnawing or shredding wood. He prefers furniture to trees!

Any advice please?

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Hi there,

Your bird MAY be plucking due to sexual frustration; however it's probably best to have a vet check to determine if this is the cause (the vet may check to see if he is a he or a she!). Also, where do you frequently pet your bird? From my understanding petting under the wings and above the base of the tail are seen as lovey dovey areas to touch - so maybe err on the side of caution and only pet on the head and neck?


We got our grey to stop plucking by moving her cage to an area where she didn't have such an open view of outside - i think the movement and noise frightened her - she's growing back all her lovely feathers now. I really hope you find the reason behind the plucking, because that is really going to help solve the problem.


Best of luck.

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Thanks for your helpful advice. Billy doesn't seem agitated when plucking; it looks more like a habit - nailbiting or hair twiddling. the previous keeper says he'll sprout lots of new ones, then pluck em all out....

As to the flirting - no, it's not initiated by petting; he just does it spontaneously if allowed to climb onto a shoulder. No one but me ever strokes him or encourages affectionate behaviour. It's accompanied by a strange cooing sound with wings encircling the target.:)

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Birdwoman, I think the advice of taking Billy in to see an avian vet is exactly what you need to do, get a clean bill of health to rule any physical reason for the plucking then you can worry about behavioral reasons.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and Billy.:)

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Thanks a lot. I think he's a girlie. 'He' has been trying to sit on & feed a ping-pong ball this evening & enveloping it in his wings as he does when on a male shoulder. I read that greys are attracted to humans of the opposite sex & maybe it's true. I don't like birds in captivity, so I certainly don't want her to have little ones! I had an Alexandrine who sat on 9 eggs on & off for a year. She's now at the sanctuary & has a mate. if that's absolutely what Billy wants to do then 'he'll' have to go there too. If they want to have young how on earth can you put them off! It's only natural.:)

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Hi birdwoman,

Do you think the previous owner never had the grey out of the cage, with you saying there was no signs of destruction? That was good observation, if you came into my house you would tell the signs straight away!

Do you think he/she has plucked due to lack of out time and toys, no stimulation? Maybe it has turned into a habit forming plucking?

I think a trip to the vets would be a good start and see what advice they give.

I wish you well and keep us updated.


Mas, glad to hear the plucking has stopped.

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He could be a girl if you haven't had him sexed. But as far as having little ones he would have to have a mate to do that and pet greys do not make breeder birds so you don't have to worry about that. But I would try to discourage any sexual behavior, take away the ping-pong ball and don't touch him on the back, under the wings and the tail area as those are their errogenous zones.

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