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No bird. But a dog. A mixed terrier, probably. Who knows...?

When I got him from someone here in a park he was but a puppy. I said I was new in Israel, didn't have my own place yet and that I was not sure I could keep him... The man answered with saying "take him! if you can't keep him, throw him out"--------


Well, obviously that surely convinced me I HAD to take him with me.


He went through all the stages I had to go through in my new life in Israel. Changed flats, spend time 'living in' with the in-laws (mother in law was amused because he ate father-in-laws dinner she had put on the table and then hid under the bed) -


He was sent out to spent time at a kibbutz when it wasn't feasible for me to hold him anymore because of the living conditions I was in (not my own). My heart sank as I walked him to the friend who lived on a kibbutz where he would take him. His girl friend was so pleased with him. My heart quenched. He was "mine", but I didn't know if I could ever have him back again. It's heartless to give an animal to someone to take care for and then take him away from that person again. I thought I couldn't do that to anyone.


And then, things changed. The girl-friend went to the U.S. and I got a place I could call "home". Heavily pregnant I travelled 5 hours in a bus to pick him up from the kibbutz. He was so happy to see me.


He stayed with us for the rest of his life. He was naughty. No doubt. He tried 'running away' whenever he had the chance. But, he always came back. When I arrived on top of the flight of stairs that led to our appartment with a newly born baby in my arms I had brought to this world only 3 days before, he was waiting for me outside the door.


He had "run away" (while I was in hospital delivering) but made sure he would be there to welcome me.


Doobey, a part of my life... I can not and do not ever want to forget you. Gorgeous little, naughty and precious, friend....



(Doobey came to live to the age of 18, so I guess I was well blessed and so was he).

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Oh FairY, what a beautiful story. I am so happy you shared that with us. I am very sorry for your loss, but I know he will once again be waiting to welcome you at the door once again in our next life.

And yes, you were both blessed by having him as long as you have. I would love to see a picture of him if you have one. :huh:

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I think I might have misled you Penny (unintentionally obviously). Doobey died in 1995 already. I will see if I can scan a photo to the pc - but that will probably take some time because of circumstances.

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