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New member with 5year old grey


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Hi, I'm a new member here & I have a 5 year old grey Meiko. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old, i hand fed and all that stuff. We have always had a pretty good relationship, we have went head to head a couple of times but nothing major. Well that all ended about 4 days ago, i went to get him out of his cage like i have a million times, I put my hand above his feet said step up, he backed up witch he has done before, well this time he did go back alot further, anyway he bit me harder than he has ever bitten before to the point were I wasnt sure if i was going to have to go to the DR. So I was just wondering if maybe someone could give me a little insite. Now I have read that they may be sexualy mature or getting close at age 6, and that they can get agressive at this point.PLEASE can someone help?

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Welcome here Cstacey, I hope you will enjoy our forum B)


It could be - but I've never read anything about them getting agressive because they get sexually mature. Hopefully other grey-owners here can get in some of the experiences they had with their greys when they were that age :)

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Thank you for you're respons i sure hope someone can help me on this. I have a book "the african grey parrot hand book" that is were i read that they might sometimes become agressive when they sexualy mature. Any way thanks for you're time.

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Guest Monique

Hi!!! The cause of his bite could be many things...


1) First ... is ther anything at ALL different at home? New work or away from home schedule, new room arrangement, new pet, moved cage, recent trip to vet or wing trim, change in his food or water, significant change in environment otherwise.


2) Second ... could he not be feeling well? Has his weight changed? Do you see any difference in droppings, eating patterns, sleeping, activity, feather luster, breathing sounds?


Living with adult parrots I have learned to respect them. In my opinion, you're very blessed you've gone 5 years without a bite that hurt bad. Live with a parrot and you're going to get bit. I'm sure you already know that having him this long. Honestly, if he gives you a sign that he does not want to come out on occasion - I would say okay bird I guess you don't want to come out today that's okay. And let him be. As long as it is an occasional "moody" thing. If you start seeing a much more frequent pattern or he bites without any possibility of you being able to tell via his body language then you'll probably have to more reconaissance work and some training.


Even though he's mature his mentality is that of a very young human. I am sure he did not bite you out of visciousness. He was probably just trying to communicate something to you, or had a wild hair and just couldn't help it.


This experience you had is a very clear example of why no matter how sweet the bird people are always getting advice to keep their birds off of their shoulders.


Let us know how the next few days ... weeks go .. !!

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