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Relapse into plucking??


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Hey guys,


Zahzu is doing really well, however, over the past few days I've been noticing a few new feathers in the bottom of her cage that I'm sure she's plucked. Today it was 3 feathers, the other day it was 5...and day before yesterday was only 1. I'm just worried she's going to relapse!

What can I do to prevent this? She's bathing, having palm oil, calcium, and lots of time out of her cage (sometimes she doesn't even want to come out when i offer!) She seems happy, and nothing has changed.

However, over the weekend the kiddos were over, and maybe she was a bit frightened?? I'm not sure...


On a brighter note she's picking up a lot of new words - they aren't so clear yet though, but it's quite funny to hear her mumbling away! :)



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If she did starting to pluck again due to the kids then she will probably stop on her own because the kids are no longer there. Is it possiable that she is molting? When Elmo starts a heavy molt I will find 5 feathers easy on the floor under her. Is their a bald spot on her anywhere? That would be the tell-tale sign of plucking.

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My Amazon doesn't pluck but she's going through the heaviest molt I have ever witnessed in this past week I bet she has lost about 30 feathers. Poor thing is just so miserable. She won't even allow me to touch her she is just sore and itchy all over. The only thing I can do to help is bath her every day until she soaked to the skin. Your bird may be starting to molt thats not really to many feathers at one time yet.

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Today I found a feather at the bottom of her cage which i'm sure is molted, and 4 others fell out while I was giving her neck scratches - so, i'm officially a paranoid ditz - she must be moulting!


Thanks guys,


Also - for the first time in a month or so, she's damaged a blood feather and bled a fair bit (about 10 big drops), however the bleeding stopped on it's own so I'll just continue to monitor her. She's happy as harry so I'm nt too worried!


-Sameera<br><br>Post edited by: mas, at: 2008/09/23 15:25

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