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labor of love


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Earlier this month I went to Hawaii for ~2 weeks. We are fortunate as we have some good friends that more or less move into our place when we leave and take care of the "kids". We were gone for 12 days and I prepped Kip's fresh food aliquots prior to leaving to make it easier for the folks to feed her. Put each aliqout into a zip lock bag. Kip pretty much gets something similar to that pictured below each day in her fresh bowl along with a constant supply of good seed mix, some harrisons pellets, maybe some other random offerings and of course fresh water all the time..My wife says I take better care of the bird than I do of her! :blink: :ohmy: :laugh:













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Kip is one lucky bird, Mark to have you taking such good care of her and you look so organized too there with all them little piles of food ready to be packaged up, but I would say that a trip to Hawaii sure goes a long way in making up for it.:lol: :);)


You have 2 lucky ladies in your life Mark:) B)

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:P Yeah, Hawaii trip makes up for a lot!!


Yes its a recent Kip pic, taken the day we left for HA. We have noted before that Kip is a pretty girl. Her feathers consistently look very nice all over and her beak as well. I do think the diet has a lot to do with this. Not really mentioned/seen in the pics here is that I also dribble red palm oil over the fresh foods each day when offered. I think that helps a lot...plus maybe Kippy has good genes!! ;) :laugh:

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Hi SweetFX - I think you are looking at cut dried figs. Very high in calcium as things go and healthy for the birds. As with anything fresh you should always cut them and inspect to ensure there is not mold etc...but otherwise they are good treats. ;) I like to eat just about all the stuff in these pics myself!! :P

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That looks very much like what I give my birds in their fresh food bowl whith variations on sesonal fruits. I also give them cooked stuff like sweet potato turnips my birds will only very rarely eat raw carrots but they love cooked carrots so I mash them up with their turnips and they gobble it up. they also get eggs done in a variaty of ways like french toast, scrambled, or omlettes full of fesh veggies and a little cheese for extra calcium. Your very right when you say that their diet shows in their feathers my birds all shine with areodecent colours, They are just the picture of health. Their yearly check ups always come back perfect. I think that its a lot less expensive in the long run to feed them well and keep them healthy then to have vet bills mounting up. Like my mom use to say an ounce of pervention is worth a pound of cure. Boy is she right when it comes to birds.

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