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Anyone have a similar situation?


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Anyone in this forum or know of someone that had a bird after it was two years and never talked but is well tamed...Can they learn how to talk. I bought some training cd's and the cd says it is best to teach them from baby. I'm not sure if it will be a waste of time to try to teach him. and how long to I try? a year? two? Once in a while I hear him kind of mumbling, but very seldom...any one can help me on this? much appreciated

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Guest Monique

Most of them learn by regular interaction with them. It helps them to learn in context. I don't think it would be a waste of time. It should just naturally work into your day and your talk with him. "Do you want a seed?" "Is it yummy?" "Hello" "Good night" ... all the things you regularly say. Even if he doesn't learn to talk he will enjoy listening to you talk and sing to him!!! He may not end up talking. Maybe he is the strong, silent type :).

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Yeah, Harrison has learned just by my interactions with him. I can't say I've "taught" him to talk. It's just what he hears around the house and what I say to him. He just started a new thing. I have several geckos and I take him in the "gecko room" when I feed them. I always say "wanna go feed the geckos?" when I take him in there. It's also the same room where I get ready for work. The other morning when I was getting ready for work, he said "feed the geckos?". I hadn't said it since the night before, but it was the same room. When I bathe him, it's always after I feed the geckos. He doesn't ALWAYS get a bath, but when he does, it's always right after I feed them...anway, I've been trying to teach him the difference between when I say "you get a bath tonight"...and "NO bath"...he still doesn't get it cuz as soon as I say "bath", he puffs up. He doesn't really like baths.



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HawaiiSheila, I don't think there are any guarantees that he'll start to talk or not. Depends on the individual bird of course. One day he might all of a sudden repeat after you (and he might not) but it's a nice expectation, no?

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