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Little Help Please


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I just got a DYH Amazon and I got him at 13 weeks old he was on 1 feeding according to the guy that gave it to me. I took him to the vet got him all checked out and everything is fine with him. I had his wings clip & his nails trim. When I first got him I start feeding him one feeding in the morning at 9am & I would give him 20cc which was what the breeder told me to give him. While he is in the cage he does pick on his Pellets and some seeds while I have him out the cage I make him a bean mix and veggies & give him Fruits. I've been weighting him and he is at 300grms so far I weight in the morning before I hand feed him. The Third day I had him he cryed all day like a cry for more Formula when he sees me making it he goes crazy. So I got kinda worry and took him to the Store where I bought my Grey which they deal with all kinds of parrots & birds. The lady that feeds the birds told me. Since he is only 13 weeks old I would need to give him 2 feeds a day one in the morning and one at night. Which I have been doing. I asked the lady how long before I don't have to hand feed him anymore she says it could be a month or 2 or sometimes 6 months. Now I went to another bird store here in NJ and they guy told me another month or so he should be fine. Its like every place I go to I get a diff answer can someone please give me a good answer or some type of help. Also he doesn’t like to be in the cage he always wants to be out with me when I have him in the kitchen he fly’s off the play stand and comes to me and always wants to be on my shoulder kissing me. Should I just leave him in the cage to cry? Also will he grow out of that babie cry he does all day?<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2008/09/21 03:19

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The unfortunate thing is, you've purchased an unweaned parrot, thank god it's an amazon and slightly more resistant psychologically, this is usually the worst-case scenario with greys or cockatoos.

THAT SAID however, this is a bad, bad, bad situation you've found yourself in. I know this is sort of after the fact, but NEVER NEVER NEVER ever purchase an unweaned baby. I'm gonna assume that the guy you got it from won't take it back to finish weaning it (and if he sold it to you unweaned he isn't a very good breeder anyway).

there is no set timeline for when a baby bird will start eating on it's own. some may take more time, some take less, and if you try to force him before he's ready you will damage him emotionally & mentally (possibly physically) for life. I've never raised a baby parrot and weaned them, so I cannot give you hands-on advice. There are a host of issues you're having, and I recommend that you firstly talk to yuor avian vet and ask for his help and find other breeders in your area and call them, they should know what to do. ideally, of course, would be to get this baby in the hands of an experienced breeder to set him back on track but i don't think this is possible.

get yourself a few very good books on raising parrots and training them. be forewarned you have ALOT of very hard and important work ahead of you, I know that it's specifically designed for grey babies but I also think you should check out the the nursery forum. good luck

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We are dealing with the same issue with a DYN at the store, and just got done dealing with another DYN with the same issue. It seems Amazons are very hard to get to let go of the hand feedings and will do anything to get you to feed them more. The bad part for you as the new owner is that you are hand feeding him is that he now associates you with "the bottle". The DYN at the store was STUCK at two feedings a day...would not eat, just sit and "put put put" for food. What we did was gave him just a little bit of food...a little less than an ounce worth...so that he was getting the feeding he wanted so bad but did not have a stuffed crop. We then found what his fav food were and filled a bowl full of them and put him right in front of it. They both seemed to like the dried friut, Higgins Mayan Harvest mix, Higgins Saflower Gold, Pretty Bird Gold pellets, and Zupreem pellets. You could also put a big bowl of fresh friuts and veggie in front of him after a smaller feeding because in the wild these parrots eat much more of these foods than seeds and nuts. Plus, you will want to get him to want to eat more of these foods into adult hoood because when they eat the same amount of seeds as lets say a Grey or Macaw they get FAT...not chubby, but the kind of fat where if he was a person they would need to break down walls to get them out of the house fat.:laugh: If at 20 weeks he has not yet dropped the first feeding then instead of the hand feeding in the morning make a mix of the formula and mashed veggies and offer that in a bowl or spoon and sit with him while he eats it. The last feeding is the feeding you can let him ride out for a while. It's not really a nutritional thing but emotional, so if you feed the last feeding very slow by taking a LOT of breaks then he will not need as much food and will still get the feeding time he wants.


At 13 weeks he in the ballpark of fledging, so for him to still be hand feeding once or twice a day is normal. After he is 4 months old is when he should be weaning.

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Selling unweaned birds is one of my pet hates:angry: If you check out the Nursery Room there are some articles about handfeeding that should help you. I suppose the trick is the delicate balance between giving your chick what he needs nutritionally while still encouraging him to try other foods. I am going through the same thing with a clutch of tiels at the moment and the scales has become my best friend. I weigh every morning to ensure they are not losing weight while trying to reduce the amount of handfeeds I am giving them. Like your baby the crying is pitiful and I find it so hard not to give in every time they beg:( Even running a tap now sets them off because they think I am making their forumla!

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I didn't buy my DYH it was given to me buy the breeder because i helped him out with a few sales. The DYH eats Veggies & fruits & when he is in the cage he does eat his seed mix i seen him. I just wanted to know how long before he stopes crying to be hand feed and eats on his own like my grey

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Thats great that you have her/him almost weaned I love Amazons they are such great birds. when they are babys they really like to play and do fun things. the are the best birds. I would not ever want to know what not haveing Fergie in my life would be like She is the sweetest cuddle muffin and she has the best sense of humor. She also knows just what to say to make me feel guilty. Some times if she know I'm getting ready to go some where she will say no don't go its not fair its just not fair. It makes me feel so bad when she does that. :laugh:

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