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Fell Off The Perch


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Hi, just wanted to share what could have been a real tragic experience. This isn't about my grey but about the Eclectus I have.  We bought him one of those tall cages about 5 1/2"  tall and it is open space all the way from the top to the ground inside.  An eclectus doesn't hold on or grip a perch as tight as a grey or some other birds...I read that in a book and realized this is true.  I thought his wood perches were rough enough to get a good grip on them. The eclectus book recommended roughing them up or cutting grooves in them. Most of his perches are ropes or textured anyway.   I really don't know what caused him to fall or how it actually happened or where he fell from.  My husband just said he heard a thud and went to see what happened and Tigger was on the bottom of the cage. :ohmy: :unsure:  He climbed right back to top with no problems and was not hurt at all, thank goodness. It didn't phase him a bit. But it could have:(


I really don't like the tall cages like that because he only uses the top half anyway and if any bird was to fall from them they have quite a fall:( I can't get another cage at the moment but I did rearrange things so this hopefully will not happen again.   I also folded up a plush blanket and it put it under the newspaper so if it should happen again he has about 5 inches of cushion and would have a soft landing. I put the newspaper lining on top of the blanket so it would not get too messy.  I do not use the grate at the bottom of this cage because he doesn't go down to the bottom on his own.


  I just wanted to bring attention to what happened with me incase someone else has one of these tall open cages that go down to the floor and also to bring attention to this if someone might be getting a cage like this, it might be something to consider. I may be wrong but don't think most birds would go down to the bottom of cage when it is so close to the floor. It's a beautiful cage but there could be a safety issue if a bird should fall.  Luckily Tigger was no worse for wear and I am so thankful for that. 

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He had 2 long wood perches in there, a couple smaller cement ones, a big rope perch and a large swing. The only things that were kinda smooth was the wood perches. I took one of the wood perches and put it closer to the bottom and a big Boing! rope that goes all the way to the bottom of the cage. Which he just loves by the way. ;) I think I am going to rough up the wood perches some more just incase.


Tigger wasn't hurt at all but I just read the other posting about someones grey that fell and died and it broke my heart. This could have had the same outcome so I just wanted to bring a little awareness to it.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/21 00:19

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It's good to hear Tigger is ok after that fall. I would assume he is clipped and did not try to flap on the way down from your description.


The blankets will help tons and moving the perches closer to the bottom is definitely a good idea.


I have a 6 foot tall, floor to top cage, that Dayo has been in since he was 16 weeks. He goes down and walks around on the floor of his cage even with the Dobermans right beside it. he does perch though and preen or rest on the mid level perch most times. He has fallen several times when either clowning around or slipping, but he has always flapped and either grabbed on to something on the way down or landed fairly softly due to the wing flapping. One thing to remember also, the slightest impact on the bottom of a grated cage sounds like a hammer hit it. :-)

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So glad tigger is ok. Charlies cage goes to the floor, well almost. its about 5 ft high. I only got it for him a few weeks ago, so far no problems. I dont use the grate on the bottom, I have visions of him hurting a foot. He does go to the bottom to get toys from his toy box.I never new Eclectus did not grip like greys, we learn everyday.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/21 01:13

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Thanks for all of Tiggers well wishes;) His feathers are not clipped which was the wierd part. My husband was real close but out of view but said he didn't hear any flapping. I sure hope if it happens again that he will remember to flap those wings:)


I hope in the future he will go down towards the bottom of the cage. I have put the boing rope all the way down towards the bottom and am putting perches at several different levels in the cage. It's a shame that he doesn't use all the extra space but now maybe he will;)

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I'm glad Tigger is ok, too. It didn't even phase him at all. I was just concerned about the cage now and if I should get another one. :dry: Or if I should switch him and the conures cage out. Both are the same height just the conures cage doesn't have open space all the way to the bottom. Bonkers the conure is a professional flyer :laugh: and it wouldn't be an issue for him.


Problem is, each one knows what cage belongs is their home & I don't know if they could switch now???


I'm probably worrying over nothing again like ususal.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/21 05:09

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Hi Baxtersmom,


I would suggest putting Tiggers perches closer to the base of the cage and then should he fall it would only be a short fall.


This may take some rearranging in the cage but you have the right idea by putting the towel on the floor.



Hope Tigger bounces back (sounds like he did ;) )


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/21 11:07

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Glad to hear Tigger is ok. Tucker somehow managed to knock one of his perches off one day and fell. I didn't see it happen, but he's hated that perch ever since. I kept it hidden for several months. As soon as he saw it again, he freaked out and screamed bloody murder!


Sounds like Tigger isn't such a chicken though. ;)

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