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Update on Duke the move


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As some may remeber I decided to try to bring Duke to college with me. Well we have moved into our new house and have been living here for over a month now and Duke has been perfect. We had no problem on the trip up, he almost seemed to enjoy the ride and the change of scenery. Duke just really took well to all the changes. I have actually noticed a change in him for the better. He is a lot more out going now. He hasnt bitten any of my roomates or friends. He calls for people to come to his cage so he can play with their fingers. Infact today he did something he has never done before. While I was watching the Penn state game he climbed all the way down his cage onto the floor and walked over to me where i was sitting on the couch and started to do the "chicken scratch" at my feet. As much as I am glad he is "Fearless" now it worries me he may start to leave the cage when im not around and attempt to play with the electric cords. Overall I am very impressed by my little guy :)

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It's great the hear the move went so well and all are doing well.


If you leave, do not leave your Grey outside it's cage. That is an accident just waiting to happen, as you mentioned power cords, as an example. There are numerous items that could spell disaster for your Grey if your not around to supervise.


Hopefully we'll hear more good stories from you of Dukes antics. :-)

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