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Safty Note


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After Jades post about Shadow I thought I would post a bit about some things most of us don't think about.


The doggie door was a good example.


Mine is the kitchen. I know everyone goes on about the nonstick on pans and how they got rid of them. But it doesn't matter what kind of pans you have and are cooking with when it comes to birds. Flighted or not.


I lost my tiel to a very tragic accedent. She was out and on my daughters sholder when she something startaled her. She flew off of my daughters sholder and into the kitchen. Where I had a pot of boiling water going. She landed in that pot. She managed to get herself out then flew down the stairs to the back door where we cought up with her. Somewhere along the way she lost a toenail. I got the bleeding stopped. I could only call the vet because I had no car (had recently been in a car accedent). The vet said just to put her back in her cage and let her rest. She seemed to be doing good the rest of the day. But when we got up the next morning she had passed away. She died of the trama and stress.


I now have a beaded curtain over the doorway to the kitchen. The birds are not allowed in the kitchen under any cercomstances if I'm cooking. The curtain works well. Alex and my daughters gcc have both flowen into it but never made it past. They end up holding on.

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I am so sorry for your loss and really appreciate you giving us the heads up on this safety issue. We can't be too careful. I just wrote a post about another safely issue but I guess I can say it briefly here, too.


My eclectus has a tall 5 1/2 foot cage and it is open space from top to bottom. Eclectus don't grip as tight as other parrots or a grey and it was recommended in a book to rough up the wood perches if they are smooth. I thought mine were rough enough but somehow he fell to the bottom of the cage:( He was not hurt one bit and climbed right back to the top but it scared me really bad!!!! I have changed the cage around a little bit and put a thick plush blanket (under the newspaper) at the bottom incase it ever happens again he will have a very soft landing. It's something to think about if anyone else has a cage like this open all the way to the ground or if someone is planning to get one you might want to consider this.

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