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Sorry I took so long to get back to everyone. My minds been all over the place, and I finally got a lil time to write with a clear head.


Well I got the results back from the necropsy yesterday and it looks like Caesar died from head trauma/bleeding in the brain. I'm pretty sure as to what happened. His leg must have got stuck on the cage some how, he flailed around trying to get loose. Bapped his head a few times, then fell down and probably landed the worse way possible. He died standing up, so he got up, it was just to much for my poor baby.


On one hand I am very thankful to have an answer to what happened. On the other I'm pissed to know that if I would have followed my normal routine this would have never happened. My poor baby died straight painfully, and he wasn't even 6 months, ridiculous.


Another thing that came up in the necropsy was that Caesasr had a case of hepatitis is his liver. The Vet. told me it was nothnig serious, and had nothing to do with his death. But still to hear he had hepatitis makes me very uneasy. He said if Caesar was still alive it would be something he could have lived with his whole life. But I was wondering how in the hell he could have got that. The only answer the Vet. offered was that he could have got cut as a baby and got an infection or a legion of some type. Maybe some of you might have some experience in that area.


Anyhow I want to say thank you for all your kind wishes and condolences, they all helped and I appreciate it. You never think something like this can happen to you and when it does it's like gettin smacked head on by an 18-wheel dieseal.


cangellh6.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: PThizzilini, at: 2008/09/20 07:04

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Thanks for posting the results of Caesar's necropsy, we always want to know what happened to our loved ones but knowing that it could have been prevented if you had just been there at that moment is heart wrenching to say the least.


We cannot spend every moment with our birds, we spend quality time but we cannot be there with them every waking moment to ensure that this type of thing never happens again. This was a freak accident and was in no way your fault so don't blame yourself, I don't think Caesar would want that for you, you have another bird that needs you now.


Sad to say but these things happen so know this in your heart that you did everything possible to make his life enjoyable and take a little comfort from the happy memories you will always carry with you of him.


You will see him again one day as he has gone over the Rainbow Bridge so don't berate yourself too much over this, Caesar would not want that for you.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your heart may be lifted by the memories of a happy Caesar, even though he had a short life he was loved by you with all your heart.


Take some time to deal with this loss but come back and share some more with us of your other grey, the tag.

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Thanks for sharing that with us and letting us know the results. I'm sure I can speak for all of us saying that we really care and are heartbroken with you. I love the pictures you posted, too. Don't stay away, though. I seen Judy write that you have another Tag so please share her with us, too:)

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