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Say hello to the newest grey parent!


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So I posted before in the welcome area that I was adopting a 15 year old grey and yesterday I finally picked her up!


She has a nice cage all set up that is completely massive compared to her old one. I think I could fit four of her old cages in her new one. She had no problem stepping up with me and exploring her new cage. You can tell that she doesn't have a lot of experience climbing as she moves around very slowly but she seemed to take to it, even tentatively playing with her toys.


She steps up no problem and flaps her wings constantly while I hold her, I guess to stretch them out. The problem is getting her back in hahaha, she loves just standing around and taking in everything.


No biting at all, and even after 15 years of eating nothing but seeds, she's already starting to eat some of the Zupreem natural pellets I got her. She's such a great bird, and much better than I could hope for. Thanks guys for all the advice and encouragement, and I'll be sure to ask tons more questions when I'm more awake

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Congrats on bringing home your new to you grey and she sounds like she is a wonderful bird and you two are getting along very nicely, thats great to hear especially since she is 15 years old, but then she may know a good thing when she sees it;)


Did she come with a name or are you going to start off with a new one?


Pictures, pictures we must see pictures:P :cheer:

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Congratulations on rescuing and bring that wonderful Grey home!!!


It sounds like the trip home and settling in took place in a way that seems to indicate she is a very happy camper. :-)


Her disposition and interaction with you already shows a lot of trust and thankfulness for her new cage and forever home. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and reading updates!!

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Congratulations on bringing your grey home. Whats her name. Make the most of the next few weeks to establish a routine and good manners. When greys come into a new situation sometimes you get a honeymoon period where they are on best behaviour and as they become more confident they can try it on to see how far they can go. Best wishes

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Please post some pics I'd love to see her. she sounds like a very nice bird. I just read your thread in the welcome room I love her name. Olivia is a wondeful name. I rescued a 5yr old last year from horrendous circumstances. Her name Is Tyco she was thought to be a boy for the first 4 years of her life. Then I had her Dna tested and he turned out to be a Girl. I didn't change her name because she knew it. So now I have a beautiful Female African Grey with a Bots name. She doesn't seem to mind so neither do I. Its very rewarding to bring an older bird into your life just to know that she will be loved an cared for after her previous parront couldn't do it anymore. There are so many birds out their that get passed from one home after another because someone buys them on a whim and knows nothing about how much care and attention it take to keep bird and then when they relize that it allot of work they rehome it again. I am Tycos 4th an last owner. Its taken awhile for her to trust again because of it. I'm sure when she first came to live with me she was just waiting to see where she would be going next. She knows now that she home to stay and she has become a very happy confident bird. Its taken lots of love and patients but she's very worth it. You are going to love being a Parront. Does she talk at all or said anything yet? Enjoy your new bird and please keep us updated. I can't wait to see some pictures of her. Is she a Timnah or a Congo? Tyco's a Congo.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/09/21 12:22

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Hey guys, Olivia is still doing just fine, making all sorts of funny noises. She makes this funny beeping noise when I see her in the morning and she also makes this sound like a laser gun and the moves her head quickly from side to side with every time she does it. No words yet but I'm sure she'll whip those out when she's better settled.


As far as her food, she I did get her a cockatiel seed to munch on while she transitions. The funny thing is, she really doesn't like peanuts. The lady who was fostering her said that whenever she gave her a seed with peanuts, shelled or unshelled, Olivia would leave them in the dish and eat every other thing lol, looks like I did really pick the right bird for me.


I have to work with getting her to step up more consistently though. Now, if she doesn't believe she's been out long enough she refuses to step up. It sucks because by the time she finally does step up, it's time to put her back in her cage and I don't want her to associate stepping up with going back to her cage. At least when she doesn't want to step up she let's my know by *gently* beaking my finger and pushing it away. I've never seen a bird be so gentle.


But yes, Olivia is doing great, I don't know for sure if she's a girl since she was never sexed but after 15 years, I might just leave it at that. I promise pictures tomorrow after I've gotten some sleep...

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