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I'm sure you've all read the same stuff as me about teflon fumes, and I'm really careful to close doors when I'm cooking with teflon pans to avoid killing my bird. But I recently read something about cooking - I usually feed Casper plenty of my healthy home cooking - lots ov veggies and pasta. Does anyone know if i'm harming him by feeding him food cooked in a teflon pan? Is there any real evidence to say that it's bad for them, or is it just people being overly cautious? My understanding was that it was the fumes that were toxic, and that this was an acute problem, rather than a problem of toxic build-up. I'd be really grateful to know what the rest of you have heard,



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Guest Monique

I have never heard anything about feeding items cooked in a teflon pan. I wouldn't worry about that being harmful unless it was starting to flake off. Then I wouldn't be eating out of it either! :) You are right, it is the fumes that are known to be harmful - when the teflon is "overheated".

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Teflon (Admitted by the company that produces the teflon coating) emit's an oder that will kill birds and can also harm humans but the coating will only emit the fumes when it reaches 500 degrees, so normal cooking I'd just keep your overhead vent on, and it should be fine for your birdies...however, the real problem comes when people who have teflon lined oven's run the self-cleaning cycle, or leave water boiling on the stove, and the water evaporates, and the pan just get's hotter and hotter....


If a new cooking set is out of the question, just make sure you keep it under 500 degrees :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I set the oil for my stirfry on fire once in a teflon pan, and it got so hot that I couldn't get the pan off the stove (I think the stove was broken)! I was so scared for the birds... I had to put them in a different room with the windows open in the -15 degree (farenheight!) weather - good thing they were okay!

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