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Shadow causing me MORE grey hair!


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Well Shadow is now 4.5 months old, weaned and has gained weight since I stopped handfeeding. At 3 months he was 302g and now he is 314g so I guess Im doing everything right. He LOVES his bigger cage, very active and will even come looking for me if Im gone to long, which brings me to my day of almost having a heart attack~~~~ He was out on top of his cage, I went out in the back yard to pick up dog poop, Shadow can see me out there from the window, so Im busy doing my massive chore ( 2 large dogs you know ) and I just happen to look towards the back door ( which has a doggy door on it and both my guys was out back with me ) and who is sitting OUTSIDE on the step watching me? SHADOW he walked through the dinning room, through the kitchen, and OUT the dog door. My heart stopped, dog poop went everywhere as I threw the scooper behind me and TRIED to walk, but really running praying he would NOT move, he looked so cute just sitting there looking at me like "hey you took to long so I wanted to see what was up" I walked up to him said step up which he gladly did and I hugged him so tight, THANK GOD he is clipped, THANK GOD I noticed him while he was on the 1st step, he could have walked out on the porch, off the porch into the yard, the dogs know to look for him inside on the floor, but outside, running and playing they dont watch, so many things could have happened..It makes me feel so loved that he always comes looking for me, but through a dog door? I welcomed 10 new grey hairs yesterday!

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That is too funny, sorry I had to laugh but yes it could have been a disaster, Shadow is too smart for his own good, he must have watched the dogs use that doggy door and figured if they could go thru it then he could too and he certainly did, what a character.;)


Thanks for sharing that with us.:lol: :laugh:

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Oh NO! I dont find that funny at all:ohmy: I have a dog flap and I often go out the back with my dogs while the greys are out. I never imagined they would go through the flap, but now that you have told this story it makes perfect sense... why wouldnt they? I go out the back and close the door, and the dogs follow me through the flap. We are all out the back together while the greys are stuck indoors. Why wouldnt they decide to come out the same way the dogs did?


Grey hairs??? I dont know how you didnt have heart failure on the spot!


Oh my, something ELSE to worry about:blink: :ohmy:

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I got rid of my doggie dor when I got my birds I figured better safe than sorry. like you said. they are to smart for there on good I don't want to ever find my birds gone when I come out of the bathroom or back from doing a chore. You better lock that doggie door now or you may find you will lose your Grey. What a scarry thought.

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Wow, I guess I wouldn't have thought the bird would be able to open the doggie door! I'm so glad you realized he was out before something bad happened! Whew! I don't have a doggie door for my dogs so I guess it's one less thing for me to worry about... good thing too because I'm a worrier at heart:unsure:

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OMG What a story!!! Im glad everything worked out and he didnt attempt to fly to you (even though he clipped as Tracy mentioned they can gain sufficient height to fly)


Yes indy does also fly to to wherever I seem to go especially the kitchen (she sees it as thr place her breakfast comes from!).I must admit there have been some close shaves where I have had Indy out of her cage and gone to answer the FRONT DOOR!!!!


*Heart in mouth*

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Lovemygreys is correct, even with clipped wings a good gust of wind or even if the bird gets frightened it could fly away. That would have been my worst nightmare if Roscoe did that because he isn't clipped but we do not have a doggie door and will never have one and Roscoe will never get his wings clipped either but I promise to be so xtra careful when he is out.;)


So glad Shadow is safe :)<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/09/20 03:51

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OMG!!! The mental image of a little grey sitting on the steps and dog poo being flung everywhere!!! :laugh: I was laughing so hard reading your story...although if I was in your shoes I would look like a mix of Albert Einstein and Don King!


I too have a doggie door that goes out to the pool but Elmo is almost never out in that room. When she comes looking for me I she always goes to the kitchen and gets distracted.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Jesus, what a story and mental image of cute little Shadow walking out the doggy door and standing on the steps so proud of himself. :-)


That is a danger no one has ever posted previously and is a good wake up call for anyone that has one.


Thanks for posting this, bring a smile to our faces, shock, awe and then a happy ending. That was as good as watching a drama unfold. :-)

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