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New baby birds!!!


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I just got a call from Joann, one of the ladies that works with me at the pet store. I almost didn't want to call back cause I thought she was calling to get me to come in early. Well, I called up and she told me that I was going to go and pick up some new babies for the store from a breeder! A Moluccan Cockatoo, a Scarlet Macaw, and a Yellow Nape! I am so excited!!! Plus I'm probably going to be the one to take them home too. I'll be sure to get pictures to post when i get back.

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Well, I had quite a day! First, I had to drive an hour and 45 minutes up to Sarasota and meet the guy at a McD's off the interstate. I was laughing about the hand off with the owner of the store because she gave me the cash for the birds and I was saying that it was going to look like a drug deal or a black market bird sale!:woohoo: :laugh: Well anyways, the birds are not babies...all three are about 5 years old. I guess the story is a woman selling all her birds and the breeder guy bought them knowing that he would have buyers for them.


Here is the Yellow Nape. He talks up a storm and speaks English and Spanish.





Here is the Moluccan. Oh boy it this guy a clown. The whole drive home he was playing with the towel in the carrier and doing everything he could to get me to play with him...but driving I-75 at 90mph is not the time for play!



And this is the Scarlet. He was ment to be a breeder but he and the hen wanted nothing to do with eachother...they want to be pets. The poor thing got car sick in the guys car so I put him where I could keep an eye on him in my car and he did ok on the drive back. Once at the store he wanted me to pick him up but didn't seem to want anyone else near him! I guess we really bonded on the ride home.






They were all stressed (well, not the Cockatoo) so I didn't want to handle them too much today. I'll get better picks tomorrow.B)

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HAHAHA Judy...but in parts of I-75 going 90 is slow.:laugh: I was doing 80 at one point and a cop blew the doors off me...he was going at least 95.


They are all such nice birds. The Scarlet is my new project. He is such a sweet boy but he is a bit cage bound. He loves to give kisses through the bars of the cage and I shared my lunch with him...and boy did he like it! Once I open the door to the cage though he goes to the back and pushes my hand away. I'm not going to push it at this point, I'll give him a few days.


It turns out that the new Moluccan is not a Moluccan after all. He's a Mobrella...a Moluccan and Umbrella hybrid. He has the pink in the crest, but not as vivid as a true Moluccan. Under his wings it is yellow, like an Umbrella. That is the tell-tale sign of the Hybrid.

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Whenever we get adult birds it normally takes a little bit to get them to come out of their shells, but once we love on them and they get comfy they normally sell just as well as our babies.


I Scarlet had a breakthrough today with me. Because we don't know their names I decided to call him Mika to go along with Sasha...keping the Russian thing going with the Scarlets. I found that he will step out of the cage with a stick and once on the stick will ste onto my arm. He then bolts to my shoulder but we are working on that. He was letting me pet down his back, his wing pits, and his neck. By the end of the day I didn't need to use the stick to step him up. I'm so proud of him.:kiss:

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Berna you do have the touch alright, if anyone can get that Scarlet out of his shell it will be you, you go girl, but I know it has to be hard to get to work so closely to these birds for a while and then someone buys them and takes them home. It doesn't take long to get attached to these birds so I know it has to hurt to let them go sometimes.

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Oh I know! I love all the birds, but there are always those birds that you bond with really quick. I still miss a few of the birds that we have sold and will think about them pretty often.


I do seem to have a way with the birds that most people are leery of. All 3 Scarlets we have had have taken to me, Ethel is my boyfriend and gives me big wet macaw tonge kisses, oh boy the list could go on!:laugh: I think it's because I'm not scared of the big beaks, where most people are. I tell you what though, I would rather get bit by a macaw then a Lory...those little bastard hurt so bad!

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They are so beautiful I think I'd be a little leary of those beaks but not afraid. I tame down cockateils and budgies in a day usually cause I just take their bite and within a few minutes they realize that biting isn't going to make me go away so they stop. Those little bugger seem to know where it going to hurt the most and always bite in those places like the cuticule of your finger nail or thr skin inbetween your thumb and fingers. They just grab on and grind their little beaks in harder amd harder. I had bites from them that bleed forever it seems.

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The only time I have been bitten by a grey was while trimming customers greys. I don't think they have ever made me bleed though. I have a big scar on my little finger from an Amazon that got me a few months ago and a scar from Sasha on my stomach when she bit me through the cage when I was moving it...this was before she liked me though. I have a number of other scars from parrot bites but none of them were that memerable other than those two though.


I would say the worst bite I ever got was from one of the baby macaws. I was holding him up to my chest and loving on him when something spooked him. I looked down at him at the wrong moment and he bit down on my lip so hard my eyes started to tear up. My lip looked so nasty for a good 2 weeks and I had to explain to everyone I talked to that it was a macaw bite and not a mega-giant-herpes sore.:laugh:

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