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java tree


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i recently spent £200 on a medium sized java tree for monty, he already has a table top one and he loves it:).

the medium and large size are both recomended for greys, but i find some of the branches rather thick and monty cant get a grip on them as the java tree's are a really smooth wood too:blink: ..i was wandering would it be ok to wrap vet wrap around the thicker branches? as im fightened of him falling, and if so which is the best uk web site to get this from many thanks in advance

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Vet wrap works really well for footing, I use it on all of the PVC playstands I make for Mika. I purchase mine in all colous from a horse supply store and not from a bird supply store or site. Any equestian (cant spell) store would carry it and would probably be cheaper.


Carolyn & Mika

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You could also rough up those branches using a saw, hatchet, shotgun blast with small shot ;-) etc. to put grooves and dings in those smooth branches. Doing this would keep the natural wood without putting some type of synthetic wrap on it for traction. :-)

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We have a table top Java tree, and I have to admit the branches are REALLY smooth and do not offer very much grip. I got the unit because the branches are all different sizes and I thought she would get a good work-out with her feet on the variable sized branches. but she does not really like the unit that much and I really think it is because of how smooth the wood is.

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