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Quick question on cages


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Hi all First, when first bringing baby home and introducing him to his new cage should I keep toys at a minimum?? also I have read that a cage should be in a corner well that is proving almost impossible and I have it placed on a center wall in the dining room ( which is also in the living room) would it be OK if I create a corner for him maybe with a piece of darker cloth?? Thank you I am starting to freak out a bit we are at a week and a half till he comes home. I just want everything perfect:)

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The cage should be in the general area where there's people around constantly. That's how young birds get used to people and visa versa. It really doesn't matter what room it's in as long as it's in an area where the cage won't get bumped into a lot. If your cage is one of those special cages that can only go in a corner then you'll probably have to use the corner. Sorry, but I don't know what you mean when you say ""create a corner for him maybe with a piece of darker cloth??""

As far as toys, put whatever you want in the cage now before he gets home. That way, when you put him in the cage, everything in the cage will be the first thing he sees and more than likely, he'll accept it more easily since he doesn't know what an empty or full cage looks like.

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Perfect thank you I just didnt want to over whelm him.

I meant attach a cloth to cover just one corner so he has a rerteat of some kind cause the cage is in the midst of all goings on in our home and I read they like corners for security if needed, although he will rarley be in the cage...

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cflanny wrote:

I have read that a cage should be in a corner well that is proving almost impossible and I have it placed on a center wall in the dining room ( which is also in the living room) would it be OK if I create a corner for him maybe with a piece of darker cloth?? :)


I believe Cflanny is refering to the reccomendation of many books to place a cage in a corner of a room to give your bird a place to back in to that will allow it to relax knowing nothing can come up behind it. I also believe she is asking that since she does not have a corner to place the cage in , would it hurt to blanket off a corner to get that comfort zone.


The only problem I see with useing a blanket is that sound will still go through the cloth, it is also able to move or be moved by wind or someone passing by it. This might open more opertunity to scare your new friend because now they can hear movement but can not see where it is commming from.



If you house is very active then I certainly believe you should have the cage in a common room where the majority of the interaction takes place, however I would do as sugested above and try to prevent the cage from being bumped into.


As far as toys, you definatly do not want to completely clutter the cage with toys and too many perches. Our young friends are rather clumsy and have a tendancy to fall off thier perches. My opinion is to place all of the toys you want into the cage. Then look to see if any of them might crowd a perch or if the bird might hit or get hung up on any of them if it fell. Remove or relocate those that need them. Also you have no idea which toys your new companion will take to, so offer them up see which it is attracted to most and remove some of the ones it seems to ignor.


I hope this helps. I am still new at this.




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