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HELP... beak discolouring & update on Sensei..xx


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Sensei's beak has started to go a slight diff colour at the tip/front... like a light brown.beige colour - anyone got any ideas - he chews loadsa stuff & thought maybe it is where he has chipped it away.. it has a few slight ridges on the tip also... very minor but still I am unsure.. he is in perfect health otherwise... learning words... doing so well...


saying bad boy bad boy now (as in the song) allo boy/mate, alright.. laughs also.. & I am sure he said tickles once the other day it was fab... he scream like a girl once in a blue moon too but not for long


anyway can anyone help with his beak.. unsure if needs to be looked at professionally but it doesnt seem to notice to him....


please not this is so small right now - wil try get some pics.. but prevention is better than cure.. if anyone has heard of something similar please advise..


many thanks


Em & Sensei...

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What is happening is normal. Thier beaks grow in layers and as the old layers start to chip or flake off they can change color. The whole frunt of Alex's beak is like this. It is odd to see because his is a strip down the center of his beak. It just hasn't chipped off yet. Where it has is the very black.

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