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Hello im new to this forum.I have a 3 month old african grey and his name is chico.I was woundering because im still feeding him his baby food and i need to know how old do they have to be before they stop having it?.He loves having baths and coming out to play.But the thing is when we get him out he doesn't want to go back in his cage.So this is a problem butanyway we get him in (some how).I have a dog called kuda and he is wierd haired jack russle.Him and chico don't get on.Do you have any idea's on what i can doto make tham get along.

Thanks greylover

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Guest Monique

Welcome to the forum!!


Weaning: This is an individual bird thing. Offer Chico plenty of pellets, fresh fruits & vegetables ... a good variety of healthy foods. Have something available to him all the time in the cage, but the fresh stuff only leave out for a bit so it doesn't spoil. He will wean when he is ready. Make sure you don't 'push' him. There is lots of good info on the net if you google "Abundance Weaning". Keep weighing him on a kitchen scale (should always do this anyway) to be sure that he maintains his weight okay as he is weaning.


Getting back in the cage: Just be consistent. Don't let him get away with not going back in. I also think it really helps to have a schedule and stick to it. Though I do know that is not possible for everyone.


Dog: Hopefully you can get the dog to accept the bird so if he flops to the ground the dog would not hurt it. But I would keep them apart. They are really not safe playmates. So if you can just get them to tolerate one another so if they have an accidental encounter there is not a tragedy, and then keep Chico off the floor when your Jack is running around ... that is the best advice I can give.

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Thanks for that.But i had a problem with the dog the other day.The bird got out of his cage while i was out and i opend the living room door and he was there and my dog went for him.So i got him away from the dog.We didn't think i would live but he is a little strong 1.So he has recoved.The cage thing started when he was got by the dog he wouldn't move.He just ley on my chest but i couldn't put him in his cage because the dog had hurt his leg and he couln't use it .So he slept on me on my chest and he kept on wakeing up for a drink because he kept on jumping,because he was having nightmares.But his leg is better and i took him the vets and he just brused it.So thaks god he is ok.

Thnks for the advice.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to put tmy photos on hear of chico but it went on photo album at the top of the page.So if you want to look at them.

1.When you go on the photo album at the bottom of the page it will say quick search.

2.Click on quick search and type in CHICO but not in capitals.

3.Then ther are the photo's


sorry about my bad english

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Greylover: a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e {Love-0002011D}

No problemo with the English, don't worry - our love for Greys transcends all languages ;)

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