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my baby passes away


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hi all it been a tough few weeks for me only just comin to terms with the loss of my baby alfie died two weeks ago.he started of with his talking coming to a minimum of words at first we put it down to fact we left him with afriend for week while we went on hols so we thought he was adjusting to us back home again.but after two weeks of being home he still wasnt himselfand e was starting to sleep a lot more and loking very tired al time so i brought him to vet she said he could be getting a cold and gave me antibiotics to drop into his water.gae it a week and e still wasnt picking up so vet reccomended a friend of hers to go see we brought him up and she kept him in ova night for tests but sadly e nva made it through the night.my whole world came to astand still when i got off phone to her.she said she would do autopsy to see wat happened which she came back following day with aspergilis which is fungus on the air sacks.house just doesent feel same without him around shouting and calling us all.

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I am nearly in tears reading this post as our greys were the same age and we used to chat about them.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I am so sorry for your loss.

Wish I could say something to make you feel better and ease the pain.I cant imagine how you are feeling.

Time will help to heal some of your pain.

Be strong and hold on to those good memories of Alfie.

Caroline xx

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I am so sorry to hear of Alfie's passing, I knew he was not the same after you went on vacation but please don't berate yourself, it was not your fault and he is now over the Rainbow Bridge and you will see him again one day.


I know the ache you feel inside is hard to deal with but think of him not suffering anymore and we will help you in any way we can to get thru this dark period in your life.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you may be comforted by the memories of his love for you.

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I am so sorry to hear that your bird died. I know how I would be taking it, in fact the life span of an African Grey is what helped me decided to get one. I have lost a few pets in my life and I always take it so hard. This way I thought this pet would out-live me.


I am so sorry for your loss!

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How terrible and heart wrenching this is. You have my families condolences and prayers.


Godspeed to your and family in coming to terms with this. Know that Alfie would and does wish for you to live long, enjoy life and remember the touching moments, love shared and goodtimes you shared, that will never be forgotten.

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