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Well, I guess it's about time I introduce myself. I've been reading this forum off and on for a few years now, but never posted. I live with a 4 year old cockatiel and a 2 year old CAG. I had cockatiels and parakeets growing up, and had some experience handling larger birds.


I got Burnie(cockatiel) from a pet store when she was fairly young. I went there to get some supplies for my fish tank, and ended up coming back a couple days later to get her. She hadn't been cared for very well, and was allowed to be tormented by several cats and children during her stay there. She was afraid of everything, didn't trust anyone and absolutely loved to scream. It took a few years to win her over and get the screaming under control, but all is well now. She still doesn't like to be handled too much, but always wants to be near by.


I had wanted a CAG since I was a little kid, but decided I wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility. Now that I'm a bit older and more settled in my life, I decided it was time. I searched for breeders in my area and got Tucker(CAG) around a year and a half ago. We've been going through some rough times recently, which I'll be posting about later, but all in all I love having him around.


So, that's my story.

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Hi Matthew. Welcome to the forum. Good for you taking in Burnie and giving her a good home and congraduations on Tucker. Can't wait to hear more about you and your flock. Any questions,just post them, if you've been luriking you know there is always someone here to help. We'd love to see some photos when you get the chance.

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'll try to get to posting about the issues we've been going through later today. It's nothing major, just some questions I have about first molts, nutrition and keeping the trust alive. I wouldn't say I've had any major troubles with Tucker. More than anything I need some support from other bird people. All my friends think I'm crazy and just don't understand why I'd want to live with such an animal.


I also realized I didn't mention my non-bird companions. I live with a 2 year old chihuahua(Saffy) and keep a 55 gallon freshwater tank.

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