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Two Story Back Porch! Could they fall


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Hi Everyone

Here goes another one of my crazy questions:)

We live in a two story stilt home on the west coast of Florida right on the water. We have a large pool enclosure that covers the back of the house all the way to the top of our roof. Our top back porch looks down over the pool. Do you think I can put my birds out on this porch on their stands instead of in their cages. I really want to let them enjoy the beautiful weather without being in their cages. I am afraid that with their wings clipped that if they try to fly they will hurt themselves and land in the pool or something. My husband thinks I'm crazy. What are your thoughts on this:huh:

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I totally agree with your husband. Doing that is an accident just waiting to happen and if even if your bird wasn't clipped, He could could fly away and you take the big risk of never finding them again. Just because a bird is clipped doesn't mean that it can't get spooked and try to fly away and that also applies to flighted birds.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/09/18 20:50

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Yes I totally agree this is an accident waiting to happen! As Dave007 said they can get spooked and attempt to fly off even if they are clipped.


If you really want them to engoy the weather you can put them in a harness and take them out with you. Or you can buy a nice size cage for them so they can soak up the sun outside!


Those are just some of my thoughts!


Hope this helps!


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/18 20:58

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Oh goosh Dave007:woohoo:

The complete back of our house has a screened pool enclosure. They could not get out and fly away. I'm sorry I didn't explain the situation correctly. If they were to get frighten and tried to fly would they be able to not fall in the pool below? The enclosed pool enclosure would be like a big aviary with palm trees and everything. I'm just scared of that darn pool.

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Getting out and flying away is not the issue. If they were to see a hawk flying overhead it is instinct to fly away. If they were to try to fly and land in the pool they would be dead in a matter of minutes. Parrots are not like ducks and will not float and once the oil and dust is saturated (which takes only seconds in a pool) they sink like rocks. I too live on the west coast of FL and I can't even tell you how many people I have met that have lost parrots to their pools. I also have a large back porch, pool, and pool cage so I do take Elmo out their to get some sun without a harness, but I do not take my eyes off him for a second...not one second. He did get spooked once by a hawk and went in the pool...but as soon as he took off I was already jumping into the pool and hit the water before he did. You have to treat parrots like a 2 year old when it comes to pool safty, so if you need to run into the house to get something, even if it's only for a second, the parrot needs to come in with you.


Another BIG issue is the fall. I'm 99% sure I'm picturing your setup right in my head so you would have your birds on a second floor level with the pool cage going down to the ground. If your birds were to get scared and tried to fly if their wings are clipped too short they might not glide right. This is a big issue even from a few feet from the ground. If a bird crash lands from just the top of their cages they can break their keel bones...just imagine what could happen from a two story drop.


I would say if you want unsupervised time on the porch you should put them in cages.

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Even if it is enclosed as a huge netted aviary, you would need to vigilantly monitor them every second they are out there.


With clipped wings, they can not control their flight very well and fall in the pool and drown or end up landing to hard on a hard or sharp object and seriously injure or impale themselves.


I will guarantee you, that at some point in time, they will get spooked and fly.

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