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Congos vs Timnehs?


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I notice a lot of people saying how slowly they have to introduce things to their grey and it seems most of those people have CAGs. I have heard that TAGs are more laid back and maybe that is the cause, but I really do not have an issue introducing things to my TAG, she usually is very inquisitive and curious.


It does not seem that new things really scare her.


Is this do to the difference in the breeds or I just have a bird that is good about new things?

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It's really more a matter of the individual bird. I have two CAGs and one is curious, while the other is cautious. My parents had a TAG and other than physical appearance, I can't say that I've ever seen a difference.


There may be some truth to the statement that TAGs are a bit more laid back, but studies of wild greys don't seem to back that claim. It might have more to do with some aspect of captivity.

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I have a Cag and she is a rescue when I first got her she was a pretty leary of anything new. I've had her for a year now and I can honestly say that has change. I can introduce anything to her and and as long as I tell her what it is and that its safe she takes my word for it. She was in a Cocateil size cage for 4 years I bought her a Macaw size cage and within 24 hours she went into her new cage by herself and was eating out of the food dishes. I would say thats quick for any Cag or Tag for that matter. Playstands and toys she always accepts imediatly. If it has anything todo with haveing fun she's there.

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Thats the way Saphira is, I think she just trusts me so if I am showing it to her or bringing her to it, she knows I would not hurt her or put her in harms way so she is okay with it.


But I had heard that TAGs are easier going thn CAGs so I thought maybe that was part of it.

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I have a TAG that is half tamed and scared of a lot of things like hands but he takes to new things really fast. It took him less than a day to check out his new big cage and the day after he moved in himself. If we put new toys in the accepts them immediately and plays with them. I must say that this really surprised me.

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Hello I have a Tag & Cag. I would have to say my Cag is more excepting of new things like toys, objects of interest etc, the tag is more Cautious.. The Cag is also younger 14mos and going thru her developemental stage my Tag is 10yrs. My Cag seems to startle much easier then the Tag, and is quite clumsey of the two. My Tag loves to Eat where the Cag is picky about what is put in front of her. Both have very different pesonalities..My Cag is a love bug, My tag is not as receptive to head scratches and love..Each bird is so individual.



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hmmm.. well... i own a TAG, and iMHO, it's possible that TAG's a little more relaxed, but both species are pretty cautious. Now, truthfully, i've never interacted one on one with a CAG but from the ones I've been around they seem a bit more snooty. TAG's seem to be a bit more goofy. again, personal experience. but i think there are too many variables... age, experiences, environment, genetics, rescued or not... etc. if i ever get another Grey and it happens to be a CAG i'll do a comparison :)

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