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Hello all, I am a new owner of a baby African grey, with no experience with any birds before. My husband and I brought her home last Sunday and she seems to be adapting very well, although she does not like my husband getting close to her, even if he is being trying hard. Is there any advice anybody can give me on how to make her trust him as she seems to be trusting me?. I would think if he does not get her trust now, that she is little, it may be harder later?

By the way, I think this web site is great.

Thank you

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Hi smaryan,


Welcome to the grey forums! Congratulations on your new baby:) What have you called her?


You are right in that it is easier for your grey to get used to your husband now while she is little, although it is possible to have a very good relationship with an older bird. You say you only brought her home on Saturday? It may just take her a little longer to get used to your husband. It is very early days yet. He needs to be consistent in giving her attention, feeding her treats, giving her head rubs etc.


There are lots of threads in the forum which will help you with your new baby particularly in the Nursery room

Here is one about socialiasing your grey which you may find useful;)



I look forward to hearing more about you and your baby!



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hi smaryan,


im sure your baby grey is just settling in and will need a little time to adjust to her new home.


As for the bonding Siobhan has given you some really good advice and im sure you'll become fast friends.


Remember if you have any questions just ask, there is always someone here to help you!



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Thank you very much for your advice. I guess we just need to give her some more time, but for some reason she seems very afraid of my husband and wants to bite him if he gets close. Hopefully she'll learn to trust him. Her name is Lucy, and I am sure I will be coming to this forum a lot for good advice and tips from the experienced people. Thanks a lot.

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Hello Smaryan and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey baby, Lucy.


It takes time for a new grey to settle in and feel comfortable in her new home and you and your husband should share duties with your grey even though you are her favorite or the one she would rather be with. She will more than likely bond with you but she can still have a good relationship with your hubby.


Some greys take more time to get comfortable in a new home so give here plenty of time and be very patient with her, maybe your husband can be the one to give her treats to help her be more receptive to him.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Lucy you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. My husband is from Chicago and has family there.:)


We got a 12 year old grey a few months ago. It did take awhile for him to settle in and he does prefer me to my husband. I have heard they will pick a favorite person but my husband still has a good relationship with Baxter. It's different relationship that we have but him and Baxer do just fine. Tell the hubby not to be discouraged. In time they will be friends. Baxter didn't want much to do with my hubby at first so what he took on the "good guy" role and was always there with a treat of some kind when he went to the cage. Baxter couldn't resist. He loves a good bribe;)

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Welcome Smaryan!!!


I can tell you that My wife to be has the same problem, however, our bird BoBo always trys to bite here and we have had him for 5 months. It will take alot of work. I have read that there could be a million reasons your bird might have that reaction to someone, perfume, color of shirt, how big someone is, how fast they move, does he jerk his hand away when Lucy trys to bite him?? no matter what the cause time and patience will pay off, Everyone who posted above really kow their stuff, most of what i have to say they have already told me lol.





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howdy neighbor! welcome to the forum. i'm just north of kenosha.


i'll read this thread more carefully a bit later as i'm rushing out the door soon.


may i give a shameless plug to my favorite birdy store? jo's exotic birds / sheridan rd / kenosha. i have found a number of IL people who make the trip there and it might not be too far for you.


happy friday and again, welcome!



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Thanks so much everybody for responding. I am sure My husband will keep trying, since it seems to be a matter of time and he would really like to get close to her. It's really nice to have advice from people with more experience.

Sandra902, your favorite store is our favorite store too, since that is where we got our Lucy. Maybe I will see you there sometime.

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Hi Smaryan and welcome to you, Lucy and husband. Please tell your hubby not to give up hope, just keep trying to interact with Lucy and give her love patience and treats! Maybe he can try sitting by her and reading a story, or quietly playing with an exciting looking toy. Her inquisitiveness will get the better of her sooner or later and she will decide maybe he's not so bad after all.

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Hello again. I just want to give a little update of how things are going with baby Lucy, for those that may be having similar problem. It looks like slowly she is getting better with my husband. Still not as comfortable as with me, but is responding a little better to him. This week I am out of town for three days,so is just the two of them at home. We'll see how that goes.

I have one more question, and I am not sure if I should move this question to a different forum, but since I am here... We took her to the vet on Sunday for her well being check, and the vet clipped her nails. Are they supposed to bleed everytime the get clipped?

Thanks in advance.

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I am glad Lucy is getting on better with your husband, the few days you are away will really help,she will be relying just on him. In answer to your question about the nail clipping. I dont think it is normal for nails to bleed a lot after clipping, I suspect it is because they have been clipped a bit short, It is not unusual though.

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Hi and welcome! I am also a new grey owner as well. I have only had Malibu for almost 2 months. He was the same way with my boyfriend when I brought him home. He wanted no parts of him. He wouldn't even go near him. Now, after 2 months he allows him to pick him up and he will step up on him. However, he still does not want him touching him or petting him. He only lets me do that :laugh: He has come a long way though since day 1 and I'm hoping he continues to bond with him more and more. Last night, he even let him give him a headscratch for the first time ever ! I guess that is improvement. It just takes alot of time. GOod luck :)

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So glad to hear that things are slowly improving between Lucy and your husband. If he's her only source of care for 3 days perhaps they will get even closer while you are away.

The toenails have a vein in them that will bleed if the nails are cut too much. I'd recommend getting a concrete or sandy perch for Lucy to sit on occassionally and this should cut down the need for frequent nail trimming, if she sits on it often enough you may not need to have them trimmed. If you do have them trimmed, next time warn the vet to take off the smallest amount possible to avoid bleeding problems.

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Hello!, Thanks for the advice on nail trimming; I am getting Lucy a sandy perch to avoid having to clip her nails often.

You were all correct about the good opportunity for Lucy and my husband getting a little closer while I was away; when I came back, they were doing much better. Now she is getting more confident everyday, at home, and wants more and more time out of the cage, every time she sees us around.

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