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Clean bill of health for Indy!


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Indy has been given a clean bill of health after suffering from a mild case of psittacosis.


Back in July Indy was passing green urine and I knew something was up. Though she was eating well and playing I at times noticed that she was not as active as a young bird should be.


I took her to an avian vet and they told me that she may have had psitt1acosis in the past and was fighting it (what a trooper). She hated being medicated and to be honest I had never medicated or syringe fed her until now.


But I am happy to announce that she is now perfectly healthy!


There are 2 things I would like to point out and they are always get pet insurance for your bird!! I am not sure how most members feel about this but I would seriously recommend it. The second thing is, if you are a newbie to birds like me and you notice something strange there is no harm is giving your vet a call to explain your greys symptoms.



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:) Great news Nims & Thanks for sharing your great news about Indy.


I did have all my flock insured but the monthly cost for 5 was quite expensive so i cancelled all my policies & have a separate savings account just in case ;) But for single bird owners it is very beneficial.

A good tip for owners too,if any doubt about your greys health pick the phone up & give your vet a call.

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Thats is GreYt news!!


Thanks for the good advice you posted on getting insurance for your pets. It takes research and lots of questions to each insurance company to decide on which is right for you and your pocket book. But, in the long run, it's cheap compared to what a vet bill can be incase of an emergency that requires a lot of lab tests, procedures, xrays etc. which can hit a 1000 or more in just 1 day.

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Thanks for your comments.


Yes insurance or savings (in your case Tracy B) )is really important, a few visits to the vets can cost a lot and the bills can mount. In the long run it works out for the best not only for your bird but for your bank balance too ;)





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Both my birds are insured and believe me its worth it.In the last 2 years I have vet bills of almost £1000. My cockatiel had heavy metal poisoning,my grey has had an unclassified infection and a suspected broken wing. This resulted in many xrays,blood work, anasthetics and vet stays.My insurance covered the majority of the cost.My vet is fantastic and always willing to answer questions or give advice on bird health and care, Iwould have been lost without him.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/18 20:28

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Touch wood sofar I've been luckey all my bird have managed to stay very healthy. I make it a point to sterilize their dishes everynight. I put then through the sani cycle on the dishwasher. I steam clean their entire cage once a week and clean their papers, toys, and perches everyday. I change their water water at least twice a day. I make sure they get only the highest quality food I can find. I live in a farming comunity so most everythinng comes straight from the farm including eggs. So everything is as fresh as can be. I have thought about getting the 2 larger birds insured because I know if anything major cam up I would be in big trouble. So far so good My birds are in perfect health and Feather their feather's shine with an beautiful arredecent glow of health Thank God.

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