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Dumb skin head


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I was watching a show on the neo-nazi, white power groups in America on the National Geographic channel today and I saw something that really cracked me up. They were interviewing this young guy that was spreading the "Aryan Word" on the internet. It looked like it was shot in his bedroom and I noticed on his wall he had a few posters. One of them was a poster for the movie "American History X". To anyone that hasn't seen the movie it about 2 brothers, the older brother is deep in the Neo-Naze group in Cali and is sent to prison for killing a couple black guys that were breaking into his car. While in jail he relizes how wrong the views of the "white supremacy" was and wanted out of the gang, and trys to get his little brother out as well. Great film, one of my favs. Well, back to the skin head. He had this poster on his wall and I couldn't help but think he must not have watched the second half of this movie because it's message it the opposite of what this guy "believes" in. What a chump. When I noticed the poster I was just like..."What??? You liked that movie?!? Did you WATCH the END"! Hahaha, I know I'm such a geek for that but I thought it was funny that this guy that is so into the white power thing liked that movie.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/09/18 09:29

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Ya I liked that movie too. Before I joined the army I was semi racist, I definitely had some strong stereotypes about other races in cali living around me. Needless to say in the military the whole racism thing is squashed and you realize brown, black, white all you see in the end is red white and blue and knowing that person has your back makes him you're brother.

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I was pretty lucky when it came to "race relations". My schools growing up were never a sea of white, but a mix of every nationality under the sun. When your 5 you don't see the kid sitting next to you as black or white, but as a kid. My friend Steve in middle school (RIP) always said he loved the movie but never said what it was about...just that I needed to watch it. I pictured it as a revolutionary war movie or something!:laugh: Well, years later I was watching FOX late night and what movie came on...American History X. From then on when I'm asked what's my fav movie I say AHX.

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I have to chime in here. I am married to a former skin head. However there are two different kinds of skin heads. There are the Racist kind and the Non Racist kind. My husband was the non racist kind. The Non Racist skin heads were here before the Racist one's. Just an FYI.

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Hello Tatmommy,


Your right and there are many classified as "Skin Heads", but that just describes a person that shaves their head and keeps it that way. It by no means gang affiliation with the Aryan Brotherhood. In fact, many in that gang do not shave their heads.


I refrained from posting to this thread, simply due to the fact that one of my Son's has been a "skin head" for 15 years. He is tatted up also. But, he is married, has 5 Children and is a great Father, though he is a little rough around the edges if someone pisses him off. ;-)


Somehow, skin heads became synonymous with being a white racist and/or a member for the Brotherhood, which could not be farther from the truth.


I think the "Title" of this thread chosen was just not given a lot of thought. It was more about the stupidity for the interview being discussed and the X poster in that persons bedroom. :-)


If I ride a Harley, have fairly long hair that blows in the breeze combed straight back and which gives me a "Duck Tail" in my hair, foo Manchu mustache at times and sometimes ride with lets say some "Certain Bikers", does that make me a Hells Angel?


People are often very quick to stereo-type and many times are wrong.

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Well said DanMcQ.


The "Dumb Skin Head" title I also think was not given a lot of thought. In defense of the title and user BMustee though I will say that many people don't know that there are Non Racist Skin Heads. Until I met my husband I didn't know they existed.


I agree with what was said about the guy they were interviewing and the poster on his wall, etc.


Dan~ the only thing that would make you a Hells Angel would be the patch on your back, whether it be full patch or partial patch. LOL Without that I would think you were just a guy who likes to ride.


I drove public transit in the Bayarea for 10 years. I learned a long time ago not to judge any book by it's cover.

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As for "skin heads" my father is a biker with a full sleeve tattoo and has shaven his head for 10+ years and in NO way is a racist or Hell's Angel. Also, my brother and my boyfriend's hair is no longer than 1/4 of an inch and both ride and they too are not in any way racist.



As it was pointed out there are different skin heads...the racist type and the just bald type...but I figured that when I explained that I was watching a show about the KKK/Neo-Nazi movement I didn't think I needed to post a disclaimer about what kind of skin head I was talking about...I didn't say I was watching a show about bald people for cryin out loud so I figured it was a bit self-explanatory. Plus, never once have I ever heard someone call someone a skin head for just shaving their head...down here in the South we just call you bald for that.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/11/01 07:34

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BMustee wrote:

I didn't think I needed to post a disclaimer about what kind of skin head I was talking about...


Indeed, you didn't Berna. I think most of us understood the oxymoronic illustration you portrayed in your baseline story.


Great photo of your BF and Dad! :-)

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