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Update so far on Spike


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I am so sorry for your loss of Spike, you did everything you could for him but it was just not meant to be but you will always carry a little of him in your heart until the day you die and then you will be reunited again at the Rainbow Bridge. I have included the link to that fabulous poem that may bring you some comfort and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.



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I am very sorry I was hoping for good news I watched this this story unfold and all I can say is I feel you did everything right, no regrets and nothing to change you did everything you could. Spike loved you and I am glad he got to feel that at home before he went.


I have two tiels over the rainbow and they now have new flock mate and are happily flying free :)

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Thank you all so much for your kind words. We only had him for a week before he got sick but we were very attached to him nonetheless.


I was more concerned about my daughters and how they would react. They had a lot of tears of course, but I explained what happened in terms they could understand- that we didn't do anything wrong to make him sick, he just got some bad germs out of the air and couldn't get rid of them. Also that birds, when they get sick, get sick BAD. It's not like us getting a cold, birds are much more delicate. I think it really helped them. They would like to get another bird, so at least this hasn't scared them away from that.


I think we'll wait a few weeks though.

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