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Update so far on Spike


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Well the little guy is no worse and no better than he was before. There were a couple options we could take. We could continue on the current course of treatment (antibiotics and incubator) and cross our fingers and hope for the best, or do some more diagnostics and try to pinpoint more what's up.


They did look at his poop because it was a bit on the dark side, and it was SWARMING with bacteria. The not-so-good kind!


So we did a couple things. One was sent a sample of the bacteria off to the lab to see what it all is so we can pinpoint what his illness is. The other thing was an x-ray to see if it was a throat problem, or something with his lungs, etc. I was nervous about that because the vet said they have to sedate the birds to do an x-ray (understandable, especially because I *know* Spike wouldn't stay still for it! lol) but that carries its own risks. Since he's already sick there was a chance he wouldn't even make it through the x-ray. I thought about it though and decided it was worth the risk. The lab cultures could take anywhere from 2 to 7 days depending on what the bacteria turns out to be, and at least this way we could see right away if anything else is going on.


Well he came through the x-ray just fine :D Woo! The vet said his lungs look better than she thought they would, which is a good thing, but his spleen is enlarged, so he's definitely got some bacteria problems happening! At least we've got something to go with for now.


But, until the lab results come back, it's the same course of treatment. Broad spectrum antibiotics and a nice warm incubator for the lil guy. He is still really wheezy but has gotten his feisty attitude back, which is a good sign. He runs now when it's time for his medicine instead of just sitting there and taking it! :D This is all at the vet's, of course. I am so new at all this, and he's so sick, that I don't feel confident or comfortable trying to administer medications to him and caring for him properly. Plus, tomorrow and Friday I'm in classes all day...8 to 5...and the class cost me $2000 so I can't really cancel!:blink: So yeah, with everything together, I'm glad he's at the vet's for the next couple days at least.

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Spike has certainly been thru the wringer but at least you can see some light at the end of the tunnel, the poor little thing, I know this has you upset but hang in there and you and Spike will get thru this and he will be back home with you and feeling much better.


I will keep Spike in my thoughts and prayers for a swift recovery.

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Gaevren wrote:

He runs now when it's time for his medicine instead of just sitting there and taking it! :D


It definitely sounds like he is on the mend:). Poor little Spike! I have been giving my baby tiels extra cuddles since I heard about him :(


You are lucky that he is still in the vets all things considered, especially since he is being a bit of a rascal when it comes to taking his medications!


Keep fighting little guy!

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I hope your little Spike gets well soon. I have a little Guy named Spike as well and I can just imagine what it would be like if mine was sick I would be just beside myself. Your little guy is in my prayers for a swift recovery he sounds like a little trouper running from his meds is a good sign that he starting to feel well again.

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Well we *might* be able to pick him up tomorrow. That was the word earlier today, but then I didn't hear from the vet this afternoon so I'm not sure. He is definitely doing better! I'm just paranoid that he'll have an immediate relapse when we get him home.


I've sterilized all his food dishes, I completely chucked his cage (it was a couple years old and I sterilized it with a bleach mixture and sunlight before we brought him home but I'm still paranoid about it) and all the stuff in it (all those brand-new wood perches! Ayieee!!) and put the cage cover in the hot-water washing cycle. So he has brand new cage, perches, cuttlebone, you name it, nothing is left over.


I've made everything as clean as possible, but I did that before we got him so I'm still really worried that it's something I'm doing or did that made him sick.

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From what I have read from you I would say it's not something you did that got him sick. To me it sounds like he has had it for some time and it only flaired up to the point it is after you got him. For being as young as Spike is it could be an infection he picked up from the nest box. At my work we get baby cockatiels in all the time and we have had to treat a bunch of them for Yeast infections and some other miscellaneous illnesses. They are in perfectly clean conditions at the store and come in looking fine but then flair up out of no where. Infections can be funny like that. So please, don't blame yourself for him being sick because I'm sure you are doing everything right.

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I hope Spike makes a full recovery. I know first hand how horrible it is when pets are ill.At least humans can tell you things. You have done all you can for Spike and I am sure his recovery will be aided by your quick response. Infections can flair up out of knowwhere. My Grey got one a few years back, he was not having trouble breathing but was not himself. The vet carried out blood work and lab tests but nothing came back except that he had an infection, Psitticosis was ruled out as well as aspergilosis, he was on antibiotics for a while and made a full recovery. Good luck with Spike.

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Gaevren try not to blame yourself. He could have just as easily already had something going on inside of him when you got him. Stress can trigger certain illnesses and there's really nothing you can do about that... except what you're already doing!


I think you've shown great responsibility and love for little Spike, and sometimes, that's all we can do.


Good luck to little Spike for a full recovery!



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Gaevren wrote:

I've made everything as clean as possible, but I did that before we got him so I'm still really worried that it's something I'm doing or did that made him sick.


It sounds to me like you have done everything possible for the little guy, so please dont blame your self;)


We are all rooting for the little guy, he may recover quicker when he is back in familiar surroudings :)


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Another update:


Spike stayed at the vet's over the weekend (they board animals in general plus those who need sick care). Today I was supposed to pick him up in the afternoon. They called with some not so good news around lunchtime though. He had gotten worse over the weekend. They had found out what the bacteria was that was making him sick. I don't remember what it was called but it was like us getting strep throat or a virus as opposed to a yeast infection or something- meaning it was a bug he picked up from an outside source as opposed to naturally occurring bird bacteria. And they don't know if it was a primary infection or a secondary infection. We're waiting for fungal test results but right now there's no indication that it's anything like that either. On the upside, I discussed pretty extensively what we'd been doing with and for Spike, in terms of hygeine, food, cage, and care, and she reaffirmed what you guys have said- it wasn't anything we did or didn't do that caused this infection. And the other birds from the clutch he was in are perfectly healthy, so no clues there :(


Which left the decision on what to do for him. Since he's not responding a lot to the antibiotics, there isn't tons they can do without getting into a lot of really expensive treatments that she isn't even sure would do him any good. We talked about the possibility of having to put him to sleep. I was in tears at that point but I knew it was something that was going to come up.


So in the afternoon I went to the vet's to talk more with her and to see Spike. She brought him into the exam room with her so he could be there while we talked. Poor guy had lost a lot of weight- down from 100g to about 83g. I could definitely tell. He wasn't his former impertinent self, but he definitely recognized me as someone nice and safe. He hopped out of the vet's towel and right over to me. He climbed up onto my chest and snuggled there almost the entire time.


At that point my decision was made. I have classes from 8-5 tomorrow and Wednesday, and then Wednesday he's coming home, provided that he's not on death's door or anything. I'll give him his meds and he can hang out and snuggle and be with me, and he'll either get better or he won't. He definitely seemed glad to be with me and I thought that perhaps he just wanted to be home and was depressed being in an unfamiliar place where they are kind but can't spend oodles of time with him. I'm hoping that he'll be happier at home and it'll help him get better.


And I'm really hoping that I'm not hoping in vain. :(


I figure at the very very least, I've done everything I could and if he does die he'll die where he's loved and taken care of.

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Gaevren I hope you are not hoping in vain either and I will not try to tell you what to do, this is your choice to make but you do what you feel you have to.


I really wish Spike could get better and who knows he may just pull a miracle out of his beak and do so, in any case he is in my thoughts and prayers that he pulls thru. You have done about all you can do for Spike but don't blame yourself whatever happens and keep us informed, we care about you and Spike.

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I really hope that Spike will pull through this!

I cant imagine what you are going through!

You and Spike are in my prayers, please keep us updated when you get chance. We all care about each other and each others birds on here, we will support you all we can. Love to you both.


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In your shoes, I would do the same. I know the vets staff are probably very caring and look after the animals very well, but I think being home with you at this stage probably gives him the best chance. If you can give him his medication then he is definitely better off with you;)

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I agree that bringing him home wlll give him the best chance of pulling through. He. Needs to be around people that he loves and that love him. My prayers and thought are here for you and spike please keep us updated on his progress. I hope and pray that he has enough fight in him to pull through all this with your care and love I'm sure it will give him the best chance possible

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Spike passed away about 30 minutes ago. He had a perfect bill of health coming from the bird shop so I don't think they or I are at fault- just seems to be one of those freak things. Since we did everything we could the shop has offered us another tiel at no charge but I don't know yet if I will take them up on that. Just hurts so much right now.


Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts.

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