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Bird Dandruff?


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What you discrib could be two things...dust or pin feather shedding. It sounds like it is the later. When the pin feathers open the keratin sheath will begin to flake off. Totally normal. If the dust is getting to you can bump up the number of baths you give him. Greys get wet pretty often in the wild, so the more baths the better.

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Im assuming it can still make them sick tho if it gets in their ears canals or they accidentally ingest it? I'm not bird technical terms proficent but the layer of dead skin or flakey skin is just on top of the pink layer that is their actualy fleshy skin covered by feathers. It is at the base of the feathers and not just in one spot here or there but evenly distributed. I only bathe my grey about twice a week sometimes once. She really hates showers and will do anything and everything to flee the scene. I put the water slightly above luke warm and the pressure on super low. But she usually hides in a corner of the tub where she doesnt get it. And if i move her to get wet she goes nuts.


Then I feel bad because she sits in her cage wet and shivering. I mean I towel dry her afterwards as best I can but it really only removes the surface wetness. And when i get her showered I pretty much drench every inch of her body so nothing goes dry. Any ideas based off this info?

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The skin condition you describe is normal for a Grey that is not getting misted with Aloe Juice and being given Red Palm Oil as a supplement mixed in with meals like scrambled eggs, oatmeal etc.


Once you are done getting your Grey good and soaked with water, mist entirely with Aloe juice. It will make your Greys skin much more soft and supple.

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Thx guys ill check it out. Judy a question regarding oatmeal and baby foods. If oatmeal is given does it have to be plain oatmeal or can it have cinnamon flavoring etc. My parrot is like a dog she won't eat it unless she knows its not healthy for her. Many a times I come home and find my big mac box along with my big mac "murdered" and as far as baby food can i give anything or is there some stuff to watch out for?

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Spence, I use the plain oatmeal as the instant packets contain added sugars but you can add cinnamon or other spices to it if you like.


As far as the baby food I stick with vegetable ones like sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, peas or green beans or you can use the fruit ones also. Watch out for anything that has sugar added.;):)

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The dandruff you see is actually called dander. Greys are second on the list for having heavy dander and constantly shaking it off making for a generally dusty area all the time. First on the all time list is the Cockatoo. Spraying /bathing will remove surface dander but there's always more just around the corner waiting to surface. Some people that have serious asthema or serious breathing problems may not be able to keep these types of birds.

A handi-vac is a good item to have nearby. This dander will be with those 2 species permanently.

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Aloe is safe for birds to eat and as long as you use the 99.7%+ pure aloe juice then there is nothing to worry about if it is injested (and it will be when they preen) and will not hurt the ear canal.


Just don't try to water down the aloe gels because there are chemicals in it.

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