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*WARNING* Poop Pic


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****I hope I do not offend anyone this is not my intent. Mods if this is wrong I am soryy***


My Rexxy is a 4 mth old TAG. He is not that big. His does not seem to have a constapation problem....he poops A LOT. He poops all the time. So I have not been concerened.


The other day I saw a hugh poop and told my husband. And he said just a morning poop and not to worry....so I didnt.


Well....here is a lunch time poop and it is the BIGGEST I have ever seen. It was about 2 in wide and 1/4 tall. OMG :ohmy:


I had to post a pic. Anyone else grey poop this pic. I did not this he was eating this well I guess.


Is this normal?


Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/09/15 05:36 poop3-8c601a38135718434ba03336cf9e17c9.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/09/15 05:36


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Droppings actually consist of three recognizable parts: feces, clear urine and a white urine called urates. Generally, the feces part of the dropping should be green or brown. It should be solid and coiled like a snake, segmented or in pieces. The urine portion of the stool should be clear and watery. Urates should be an opaque white-beige crystalline material. Sometimes the urine and urates are mixed, creating a cloudy-looking material, but usually they are separate.


Looks fine to me,Having four greys i get a mixture of poop ! but sometimes they will do a bigger poop during the day.Just keep an eye on him & be on poop control for a few days, as long as he isnt showing any other symptons,i think you have nothing to be worried about ;)

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I'm with Lovemygreys it looks fine to me. Don't forget that it can chaged color depending on what you feed your bird. Alex's will be bright orange when he gets sweet potatos and can be a red color when getting lots of dark berrys. I haven't tried beets with him but know they can change the color as well.

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OMG, it is too early in the day to be looking at poops on the website:sick: oh well no lunch for me today:sick: :blink: :S


Just kidding, looks fine to me, it does vary somewhat according to what they eat.


Suzanne, you should try some fresh beets sometime, it does color the poop a pretty purple and the white part a pretty pink, it is something to behold.:sick: :laugh: :woohoo: :lol:

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My youngest grey Keeko does this.

I have not trained him to do so but he dosent like pooping in his cage! Ive read that some greys dont.

As soon as you let him out you know what is coming!

Thing is he always wants to cuddle me as soon as he is out. Luckily ive not had the big bomb on the head, YET!:sick:

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OMG ....if that landed on my head I would be running for the shower. eeeeewwwww


Yesterday he pooped on me ...like 8 times. I am working on training but he justs keeps-a-pooping when and where he wants. Sometimes he will go when I ask him to poop then 5 mins later he is pooping again.

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Actually, it looks like a special rare strain of polished granite. Years ago, it was highly sought after in the Andes. Many geologists were funded by famous museums to find the rare stone. There was also a rumor that pieces of it were in the tomb of King Tut. I remember that it was supposedly worth 5 x more than gold. Are you sure that you're not just trying to fool us with your glowing nugget??

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I bet with the birds at my store...mainly the Blue throated Macaws...if you looked through their poop you really would find gems and dimonds. People walk up and pick them up and the birds go right for the jewelry. Oscar the buffons I bet has buttons in his poop.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/09/17 07:06

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