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Hi everyone,

My name is Brenda, personally I like Bren better. I am the proud parent of a Red Tailed Grey named Dakota, he will be 8 in October, I got him when he was about 14weeks old.

He's a great bird, a good talker, but man, he makes this ear piercing ping like noise that is literally driving us nuts, he used to only do it occasionally, but now that we moved and we have hardwood floors, I swear he likes the echo and does it so often that I;m heading for the loonybin. Any help with this problem would be fantastic, I have tried distracting him, it doesnt work.

I also have 5 pairs of parrotlets, a pair of Caiques, which i am handfeeding 2 of thier babies right now and a pair of sun conures, that will be old enough to breed in the spring. I also have a pet blue parrotlet named Lexi.

Look forward to getting to meet you all


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Hello Brenda, but if you prefer Bren then Bren it is, and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dakota.


Dakota sounds like a good bird but he is starting to drive you nuts with an ear piercing sound, it may very well have something to do with the hardwood floors since it is something he wasn't used to.


For lots of useful information please read thru the many threads and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


The only suggestion I have for the problem is ignoring it, I know that is hard to do but if you give him any reaction when he makes that sound that is entertainment for him and will make him do it all the more for the reaction.


We would love to see some pictures of Dakota if you would like to share some with us.

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Hi, Bren, and welcome. I'm not experienced enough to be a big help, but when my CAG does that really loud sound it is usually because something is bothering her. Today it was the radio and she stopped as soon as I lowered the volume. Before it was the vacuum cleaner. Others have said it is important to ignore the behavior, maybe even needing to use ear plugs! Keep us posted, please.:ohmy:

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Hi Bren,

Welcome to the forum. With an eight year old CAG you must have loads of stories to share with us. Can you post some photos when you get a chance? As for the noise, the others are right, the only thing you can do is ignore him. Walk away and give him absolutely no attention. Its hard but its the only way;)


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Hi and welcome Bren and Dakota!! The breeders we got Morgan from have 3 pet CAGs. One of them makes this insanely loud impression of a smoke detector with failing batteries. She also makes a super loud "dong" sound which, I suspect, was some sort of door bell or something she picked up off the tv. They do have a strange idea of what a fun sound to make is don't they? lol.

We've had Morgan just over a week now and so far he is only making quiet noises that resemble our dogs squeeky toys. I'm just waiting for the day I come home from work and he greets me with an impersonation of our sun conures ear piercing scream heh.

Looking forward to hearing more about you and Dakota! :)

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Welcome Bren and the entire (Huge) flock!!!


Well, they do all seem to have their favorite sounds. Outside of just ignoring the un-ignorable noise, there is really little you can do to stop it, if thats what he wants to do. You could try some negative feed back like a blast from an air horn aerosol can we use on the boat to warn other boaters far away that something is wrong. ;-) I personally haven't tried it, but if you blasted it everytime yo heard that piercing "BEEP", one of two things might happen 1) He would stop the sound or 2) he may like the Air Horn so much that he starts blasting away with that sound too :P


I'm sure others will chime in with some ideas also. :-)

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Welcome here, we're glad you've joined us. Irritating sounds are just one of the joys of being owned by a grey- hopefully some other noise will peak Dakota's interest soon and maybe he'll replace the irritating sound by something new. I suggest you react encouragingly to a sound he makes that you don't mind- try to act like it's the best thing ever. If he wants more attention perhaps he'll switch to the new sound to get it. Good luck!

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