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can u give your grey a bath


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Oh the all important question. Yes you can give your gret a bath. Some like it some hate it. Mine used to scream blue murder!! I tried everything from misting to a shallow dish.


Bathing is natural for them in the wild (rain) and it helps them keep their feathers nice and clean and stops their skin from being too dry. Their feather are also water proof so they do need to be completely soaked. Do not bath your grey in the evening as it can get to cold. I usually bathe mine in the morning in our tub. Other members take them into their showers!


You really have to see what works for your grey. Just make sure the water is tepid some owners give their greys a cold bath, its totally up to you.


You may want to mist them with aloe juice after their shower keeps their feathers in good condition and stops their skin from drying out ot being irratable


I think thats all from me!


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/14 23:46

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Mine hated a bath at first. The bird store I buy my food and accessories from had the bird bath spray bottle and I think it was mostly if not all Aloe juice. I think it was about $3.50 a bottle. I didn't know about it untill she told me. Anyway, I started misting him with it. He didn't like it much, I don't think he likes it much now either but he stays on my hand and lets me do it and I eventually got to where I can soak him to the skin now. I hear other people let them take baths in the bath tub or sinks. (Put something down for them so they don't slip and get more scared) They even have a shower thing that you put on the shower wall, it's a perch with suction cups. I haven't tried that yet but I want to. I would say how ever you do it just go a little slow with him at first so he can get used to it.

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Tony, I use a mister with my two, it just gives off a fine mist. I do this a few times a week then let them dry off naturally. My youngest Keeko will go into a dish of water as well for a splash around, but Charlie is not that keen!

Try different things and see what yours prefer.

Other members buy shower perches and take them in the shower with them. Good luck, keep us updated.


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Tony, I have one of the shower perches, and to start out with I just let Max sit on it (OUTSIDE the shower's water stream) while I was showering. She probably got a few droplets splashing off of me even at first, but the main idea was just to get her used to being in the shower enclosure. I figured even if she didn't really get wet, the humidity would be beneficial, and she did seem to enjoy that and still does. I also made a big deal about how much I was enjoying my shower: gurgling the water, laughing, etc. After doing this few times, I used the (removable) shower head to spray just her feet a few times. She squawked, but seemed to realize the world hadn't ended. Now I get her to step up on my fingers, and run her under the shower head a few times (I count "one..two..three...wheeee!" each time, and she knows there's a beginning and an end to it with my words.) She hunkers down, but nibbles a little at the water and tolerates her back being soaked. Then I will place her back on her perch and again use the shower head to spray her sides and under her wings - she squawks like mad still when I do this, but lifts her wings so I can really get her wet. I use tepid to cool water for all of this (fortunately I don't mind cool showers, either).


Nowadays, Max gets miffed if I don't include her in my shower, and hollers like mad from the next room if she hears the water running and she's not there. BTW, I don't actually shower her every day, but I do take her in to sit on her shower perch while I'm showering most mornings. By contrast, she is still really allergic to bathing in even a shallow dish on the counter. She will, however, still try to take a secondary "bath" in her water dish after a good soaking in the shower, so I'm still working on eth shallow dish concept...


Good luck and hope this helps!

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