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Welcome Tony!!


It sounds like you have a new CAG that is getting used to it's new home and family. :-)


If you have had your CAG for months, then more work will be required. Please give us a little more detail so we can help you in a more knowledgeable way. :-)

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My grey doesn't care but some can be teritorial about thier cage. It's thier home! And they don't want you pokeing your finger in there. :P If Alex doesn't want attention he wont come to me. So I leave him alone. Sometimes he is bluffing. Because as I walk away he will flly to me and land on my shoulder. The goof ball! Also not all bits are bits. Birds use thier beaks like we use our hands. Sometimes what you might think is a bit is just a way of playing or trying to get you to do what they want you to.


Our senegal is VERY cage aggresive. He will lung at anyone that gets to close. With the exception of my daughter who is his mom.

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he was 2 on the 14th of june, iv had him for nearly two years, i can put my fingers in the cage sometimes, but tonight i dont know why but he was really going for me, he bite me really hard. i can get him ou touch him where i want, he even flies to me, he regergatates for me and everything, i dont understand

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Sometime they do have off days and can be surlier than usual if they dont get enough sleep. Is your CAG eating well? I have read that sudden change in behaviour could be a sign of illness. I would give him some space and if it continues further take your bird to the vet.


It could also be the terrible twos!!!:ohmy:


However CAGs are good at body language you just have to observe and read his/her behaviour.




Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/14 21:45<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/14 21:46

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Thre's loads of greys out there that don't like a person messing around in their cage for whatever reason especially when they've finally designed it to their own specs. Some don't want a person sticking their hand in to take the bird out of the cage. They like to come out on their own when they're ready to come out. Yes, greys give out warning signals about biting and they're very easy to spot. Most other species of birds do the same thing but it can't be easily noticed. This doesn't apply to every single grey that exists but it's not an uncommon behavior.

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Ah, that tells tons, thanks for that extra bit of information Tony.


As, Suzzieque stated, they do become territorial of there cages or sometimes they just don't want to be messed with and give you a good piercing. :pinch: :-) My Grey will do this every once in a while also. I have learned to pay very close attention to his body language and eyes pinning. Sometimes he's quicker than I am though. :-) I think he is learning NOT to telegraph his punches :P

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My eldest grey Charlie is like this near his cage. Take him away from it and he is fine. Like Suzzique said, they can be very territorial about there cages.

Is this the first time he has done this though? Have there been any other changes with him?

How long have you had the other grey for? Is the other grey new? Could it be to do with your other grey?

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Hum my grey growls at everyone but me but I handfed him and I am still handfeeding him but he is rotten and I wish he wouldn't depend on me so much and get just a little independent. I know crazy but you have no clue how this bird wants to be on me 24/7 even my hubby knows we have had loads of birds before and this one is truely too bonded.....how to un-bond so strongly?

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