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Update on SweetHeart and the Crew!


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Wow I can't tell you how long it's been since I have been here! I see a couple of familiar names for who's online, so hopefully some of you will remember us and all the problems we were having last year. We have come a LONG WAY!! Lets start with the biggest problem SweetHeart lol.

She has done a total 360! As most of you know she is the bird that I brought home with high hopes, that was my first mistake. She had a terrible terrible flight! And instead of letting her settle in, I should have comforted her just like her breeder would have done. That didn't dawn on me until much later, here is this bird in a new home, missing her "mom" that gave her soo much attention and we are just letting her settle in. I was afraid of the beak and the growling that went with it! I should have stood my ground and tried to comfort her. Well we took the long way around! It is almost a year that we have had SweetHeart. She was a year old in May 2008. Now that we have Casper our Goffin's Cockatoo and sees all the attention he gets by being pet and held, she hopped off of her stand and came over to my table where I sit, she has always done this but this time it was different. She gave me her happy chirp she does when she wants something. Now don't get me wrong I have always given her plenty of attention by talking to her and feeding her treats, but as far as petting goes, she has never liked it! Well she gave me her chirp, and I asked what she wanted. She than bent down her head and rubbed it against my hand. I was shocked! So I picked her up, which by the way she never ever had a problem with me doing, she just never wanted to be pet lol. But I picked her up and she chirped again. So I went to go pet her head and she put her head down for me, and ruffled all her feathers forward for me so I could give her really good neck rubs like we do Casper! I was soo excited I was shaking!! I stopped cause I didn't want to press the issue, and I didn't want it to be her idea that I stopped. Than she gave me a chirp again! So I repeated this process again! She now comes every evening for her neck rubs! I learned too that her beak isn't soo bad. She has bit me once pretty good, enough to bring tears to my eyes, but that's when I was forcing the issue with trying to let me pet her. I was trying to take the tough love road, and that just didn't work too well. I got to pet her but not by her letting me willingly without growling. Now after much much time and patience, she loves to be loved on! She even sits here and falls asleep on my hand while I'm petting her head. She tries to help me too, she will put her foot up and scratch her head, I guess to get double the enjoyment lol.

Now on Casper. What a ham! He is still as goofy as he was when he was a baby! He will tolerate the kids, but he is kind of nippy with them so we have to be careful, but that is expected with any bird so it's not a huge deal. He absolutely loves his neck scratched lol. He thinks he gets neglected and will take a toy and start to pet his own head lol. Now keep in mind this bird is far from neglected lol. He gets loved on all day long! He does it too cause it makes me laugh hysterically. And as we all know Cockatoo's will do anything for attention! I can't believe how destructive he is! In a matter of 3 seconds he took my husbands $100 fancy remote control and tore all kinds of buttons off of it! lol. The only problem we are having with him is he won't stay on his cage at all! We try to let him out and play every day, but can't turn your back on him for 1 second, so he gets out mostly in the evening for quality time with everyone. He wants nothing to do with the other birds, Sweetheart would love to come on over and play with him, she gives him her happy chirp and he does nothing but lunge at her, so we have kept them separate!

Molly our Quaker is still here! She is doing good. We have had our little booger for 10 years now. She is 13. She is the same old Molly lol. Although since we have added new birds to the home, she lets more people handle her instead of just being my husband's bird. But she's still moody as ever lol.

Spike our Cockatiel that we got for my daughter's 12th birthday is doing really good. WE found out that he is a she lol. But she still keeps the Spike name lol.


I have one very good piece of advice for anyone out there struggling with their parrot. Please just give it time!!!! Don't give up! Talk and love on your pet as much as they will tolerate, they will come around! It can be like our situation and be a year down the road! But I can't tell you the reward it will be! It is worth everything!


Don't know how much I'll be on here cause I started a rabbit farm lol. If you type in The Bragg Lionhead Farm, you will see our site! And all our pretty bunnies! But I wanted to come on here and say hello to a couple of good friends I had on here as well as update everyone on the BIG progress we have made! Oh and SweetHeart is talking away too, not a whole lot but she is def getting there! I have to say too that she is def my bird!! Which turned out just fine lol. Everyone can hold her, but when it comes to being loved on, I'm the only one that can do it! Which suits me just fine! I hope everyone is doing well! Would love to hear from anyone old and new to the forum! Maybe that will keep me here a little longer lol. Take care!!

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Thanks Ronda for the lovely update on Sweetheart and the other members of your flock, glad to hear that everyone is doing fine. You are busy if you have started a rabbit farm but as long as you have time for your flock then all is well in the household.


We would love to have you stop in more often and take part in the forum, as you can see we have added a lot of new members and when you stay away for so long at a time you miss out on getting to know them but you join us when you can.:)

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Hi Ronda!! It's great to gear from you again. :-)


It is wonderful news to hear that you have finally made big breakthroughs with Sweetheart. I'll bet that makes you feel like a million bucks.


The news on the rest of your flock all sounds well also.


A Rabbit Farm? Well, that will keep you hopping. ;-)


It would be nice if you could find time to post more often, you have been missed!!!

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Hi Ronda! Thanks for the update on your flock. Sounds like things are really going great with Sweetheart. Maybe she just needed to see that head scratches are a way cool thing! Hope to see you around here more often but I know the bunnies are keeping you busy.

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