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I live in the UK but I'm sure others in the US will be able to help you out!


My advice would be make sure you visit the breeder ask plenty of questions check out where the birds are being kept.


Look out for any major signs of ill health in a baby (fluffed up appearance, discharge from eyes/nasal ares, debris around face and feathers and laboured breathing/panting).



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i purchased chloe from a breeder from maryland without seeing her she was flown here from there and she was very friendly and did step up and step back and re4sponded to no bite when she did bite just like the breeder said she would, but i did talk to her alot on the phone every week until i got her and i still keep in touch with her about her progress, i was worried to about purchasing a bird so far away but i have been very happy with her.

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I too live in Massachusetts. I purchased a grey from a breeder in Florida who had sent me pictures, updates and had her shipped to me at 8 1/2 weeks old fully weaned. I had no problems with anything. She was a very sweet and well socialized bird. There are only a few breeders here in this state, and they never seem to have any greys available. They are reserved so early on. Best of luck to you. I wouldn't be afraid to purchase your grey from this breeder. They look very reputable.

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I purchased one of my birds from a breeder out of province. I live in Canada and had to have my baby shipped to me. (not a Grey) I love that bird he's the sweetest little guy and was from the time I got him I bought him the day he was hatched so I had updates and pictures about him via email for the whole time he was growing up. I felt like I knew him even though I had never met him. I've had him for amost 2 Years now and what a great bird he is he will go to anyone and allow them to play and pet him he is so well socialized. I'm sure that has todo allot with his breader. I just continued where she left off.

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