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Guest Otisoo7

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Guest Otisoo7

just thought i would post this story for your comments


i lost max my cag out of his cage and never saw or heard from him again :o(


couldn't stand the silence in the house so i started looking for another one..... found one that sounded interesting rang it up spoke to the owner asked the details set the date time place ect...

arrived in London (wood green) and couldn't believe what i saw........ an

African grey in a budgie cage!... i kid you not he had no toys only a perch a water and food bowl with just sunflower seeds and nothing else, the bloke i spoke to was not there to meet me and left his teenage son to do the deal i could not believe my eyes.... i asked was he placed in this cage for just the transport home?" nope that's his cage", now some people would have turned round and walked, i could not for two reasons, one how could i leave this poor thing in a budgie cage with nothing in it, conscience would not let me...two i had drove from near skegness in lincolnshire to London to buy what was supposed to be a "18 month old, hand reared and tame african grey" what i saw was a cooped up, growling frightened quivering wreck! oh sure he was hand reared and his age was about right and he was an african grey but that's about the truth of it anyway to cut it short, as i type this post he is whistling his nads off sitting in a cage two adult sumo wrestlers could have a match in..... with loads of toys, nuts, fruit and pride of place right in front of the patio doors with a view of the country-side, trees, fields other wild life and birds that we feed .....


and i genuinely believe if he could say thank you he would, i know it will take some time, he growls a little, but in two weeks the transformation due to the attention care and stimulation he now gets is nothing short of amazing, and i have no doubt he will make a fantastic family member the moral to this story is .....don't buy a parrot unless you know what you are doing, un like the Pratt who got talked into buying one from a pet shop on the way home from a day trip to Cambridge by his kids, transports it home in a budgie cage has not a jot of common sense no idea what they need and so it just becomes an ornament on a coffee table having to face TWO bull mastiffs barking at it daily, and with a cat jumping on your cage for good measure!


but in all of this he is in good condition not plucked any feathers( which is nothing short of a miracle) and now enjoying every moment of his new lease of life :o)

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Guest cyberknock

What you are describing as your 'seed mix' is something I would love to be able to offer, even though the mainstay of my diet is Tropican. ( NO! LOL

I am NOT trying to resurrect our previous discussions on the issue of pellets vs. seeds!) You might recall that I said the TROPICAN was the basic diet but that I like to offer lots of GOOD variety to my birds. Your mix seems very good and nutritious.


I am in Canada, so there is no point in your offering to send me a sample, which I would greatly appreciate if I were in the UK. What I would like, however, is the complete product name and manufacturer's name so that I can check if it is available in Canada or USA. ( We live near the border).

Lorraine in Canada


The reason I consider it to

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Guest Otisoo7

thank you all for your kind comments........:o)

well his name ( previous name last owner gave him) was Jake, after careful thought and knowing how cleaver they are i decided to not call him Jake i watched his reaction when he heard the word so not chancing anything that may remind him of his solitary previous existence in London......thought 'max'.......i know he is not the max that escaped, but seems some how fitting for the situation, don't know why...just does :o)

and another thing........ cant you just imagine him being called by his previous name (Jake) as they are trying to MAKE him conform to do what-ever 'trick' of the day they conjured up for him, when he has got absolutely no space to hide in a budgie cage!..... need i go on?


it has not escaped my attention that he cannot stand to have you peer over the top of the cage, i know most don't like it but i mean he hates it so you build up a picture of how he must of lived......like i said.........unbelievable

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Guest alger316

Hi Oldmolly, I totally agree that education is needed but I say this because I have seen birds at first hand being mis-treated in pet shops, for example; Birds being toweled against their will and showing fear; Greys kept in cages stacked next to each other and in one place, a monkey's cage overhead. I've met callous owners and even advice given at pet shops is very poor! There is a strong need for education in this country. Do you really think that the majority of parrot owners in the UK know what ther're doing?

LOL Wake up Molly and see for yourself! I wish they were all as sensitive as us but they aren't and a large proportion out there are cruel. I have no official figures for this but for the people I have met then there is a problem for sure..

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Guest alger316

I didn't say the birds were unhealthy I said mis-treated.


I'm right n your wrong. I win n you lose!

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Guest moljalava

from a Grey fan in Denmark.


Hi again Old Molly.


Thanks for the answer, are you in England ? If you are then maybe you know a store there ( with a homepage), where i can buy and they can send it to me .?

I will like to try it for my Grey's,

All the best from

Bent Mouritzen

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Guest cyberknock

I will see if I can find one or both. So far, an internet search hasn't provided any result.

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Guest alger316

Well done Graham!!

I too rehabilitated a Grey that was frightened, bored and growled. His previous owner had rottweillers which barked constantly. The owner suggested

I smack his beak to keep him in check- and lots of other poor advice such as squirting etc.need I go on? I felt guilty that humans could treat a nervous creature like that and I wanted him to come home with me, which he did. He's now settling in slowly with me, singing, trying to say 'Hello', playing, watching the birds outside (He had no window before). He's recently started to eat fruit and veggies which were never offered by his ex-owner. I think the payback in rehoming a scared baby parrot is enormous when you see them happy and playing. He has offered me a little trust and we can guide each other as to his needs and build our relationhip together. It's very disconcerting and worrying to learn that there are a vast amount of parrots in the UK which are being mistreated as we speak.


Happy times to you both!

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