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We just brought home our new baby yesterday. We already have a Goffin that is a little over a year old. How should we approach this with a new bird in the home.


The Goffin is bascially my wife's I'd like to have this gray at least come to me and those type things. We have not named him yet either. He is a male and we had put blue water based marker on his head to ID him.


Any Suggestions

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First, if your baby gry was brought up in with a bunch of other birds of different breeds then he probably won't have a problem with the Goffin. The Goffin on the other hand will more than likely have a big problem with the new arrival. First, set them up on different sides of the room and let them get used to the fact that they will be under the same roof. Once it seems that niether one of them are threatened by the other...body lauguage, chatter between the two...and move them closer. If they seem to be ok with one another you can try to have them both, lets say, on the couch together, as long as someone IS in a possition to remove one of the birds or break up a fight.


If ether of the birds at any point gets too excited or aggressive then get them away from each other. I would say you can probably aim for one day being able to have them on the same tree stand but don't let them go near the others cage...many birds are very teritorial over their "home".

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Hello Sentra and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey.


The others have given you some excellent advice on how to introduce your grey with the goffin cockatoo so I won't repeat it here.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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hi sentra welcome, i have a goffin also and when i brought my grey home i put her in the same room as him they seem to accept each other i can have them out of erethere cages at the same time they keep there distance from each other but i never leave them out without supervision of course they just go about doing there own thing.

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Hi, congradulations on your new baby and welcome to the forum. Others have given great advice. Only thing I wanted to add was I've heard you need to treat the previous bird as the number 1 bird, feed it first, talk to it first, etc and give it the same amount or perhaps a little more attention so that it still knows it's number one. That way he won't be jealous or as jealous as long as he doesn't feel threatened by the new arrival and hopefuly accept him as a friend:) :) .

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