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I can't believe this!


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Congrats on your quaker, you will enjoy him/her a lot and it will give you some practice for when you do get that grey but this is one luckuy bird and will be spoilt rotten in no time.


We would love to see some pictures of Radar and we have an other birds room where you can post them, thanks for the update.:)

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I agree if you volanteer at a rescue for birds there is a very good chance of getting your bird allot sooner. I know its hard right now and being let down so many times can take its toll you could buy a white hand fed cocateil from a breedter for around 150.00 I was going to buy one last Christmas for that price and then just before I was going to have it shipped someone left a wf cockateil on my doorstep that wasn't even weaned yet. There are so many needy birds out there that need homes don't give up there is a bird out there for you.

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Well thats great news I'm so excited for you Quakers are great little birds and since its a baby you are going to be in for a treat as they just attach themselves to you and never want to let go. I knew there had to be a bird out there for you and a quaker is a good choice because they talk very well. it will get you ready for your Grey also. Its always best to start off with something a little smaller and work your way up

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Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the words of encouragement. I'm having a blast being a parroent :) She/he? is such a lover. I am actually finding that she needs a little more than the 2 feedings and upon lots and lots of reading it seems she is supposed to be on 3 feedings for her age so she's getting it happily. She has millet sprays available to her and she likes to bite at it a little but I don't think she understands that it's food and not just something to chew on LOL. She actually loves a toy I had purchased for the grey I was supposed to adopt so that makes me feel good not only that she likes it but that she enjoys playing in general it's a good sign that she's healthy I guess. I'm going to stop the posts in this thread after this one question because I know this isn't really where I'm supposed to be posting this but real quick can someone tell me is she to young to have a cuddle bone? or should she have one? Pictures coming soon...we'll be snapping away tomorrow probably now that she's a little more settled in.

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I actually am unaware of any bird clubs around here...also I have not found a parrot rescue anywhere near me either or I totally would. For now though I have to wean Radar so she'll be keeping me busy for a while. I just got contacted by someone who supposedly has a Grey in Georgia so I am hoping we are going to bring her home as well but I am not getting my hopes up since 8 times to many things have fallen thru...

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