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I can't believe this!


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I am in awe! I was supposed to be picking up my CAG tomorrow...I've been waiting all day to find out where and what time I was meeting with the owner only to just find out a few minutes ago that she claims her fiance didn't know that she had sold him and sold him to someone else! I am just heart broken I have been looking forward to this sooo much. I have so many things to return now....I wish I could find a CAG to adopt! Where it isn't going to fall threw! again and again! I can't take it anymore. The scams out there, people changing their minds after saying they don't have time for them, people selling them after they have promised to sell them to me. I am just in disbelief! and soooo upset. I know there are Grey's that are out there than need me but I just don't know if I can continue to go thru this ever again! Nobody knows of anyone that has a Grey in need of a home in or around FL do they? I say in FL and close because I only have $200 right now. I just bought several things for the one I was supposed to be bringing home tomorrow and those things are not even returnable! I am just sick! I can't believe someone would do this to me!

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Really sorry about your problem. First, get your deposit back. Add it to the $200 you already have. In order to safely buy a bird in the future, you need to either buy the bird from a private breeder or a pet shop. A bird in a pet shop will cost much more than from a private breeder. Some pet shop parrots aren't as good as from private breeders. There's many perks when buying from a private breeder. There are many in FL.

From a private breeder, expect the bird to cost $800 to $900. Buying from a breeder is the best way to go.

From a pet shop, expect the bird to cost $1100 to $1200, sometimes more.

If you find a rescue/adoption center that has greys, expect the bird to cost about $350 to $400. Also know that most of the birds in adoption centers are adults and have been owned by others. You would have a really hard time trying to locate anyone who would be willing to sell their bird for $200.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/09/13 05:29

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No I was going to give her cash when I met her tomorrow. There was no deposit or anything. She didn't raise him for me, it was her bird and she said she got engaged and into a new business venture that was proving to be profitable and just did have the time to spend with him. She didn't feel it was fair to him so she listed him in the Tampa paper. I am near Daytona Beach. I can't afford $800-$900, I am a 28 year old disabled veteran. I am trying to get back to work and went back to college and just graduated in May. I am tenitavely hired for Miami Air Traffic Control Tower but I am of course having a hard time getting my medical clearance so I don't know when I will be back to work and I only get $230/month for my military connected disability. It's nothing...

I have looked on petfinders just to find every Cameroon scammer and one guy who had made arrangements with me for another bird and then just dropped off the face of the earth. I would be better about the whole thing if this hadn't happened over and over to me! This time I just can't stop crying. I just can't believe people are so careless...thanks guys for letting me vent I'm going to retreat to my room with my box of Kleenex now...I hope to be back someday if I ever find the ability to find a CAG I can afford and that needs me. I never had any care if it was an adult or a baby. I just wanted one to love and that would love me.

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What part of FL are you in?


I don't know of any greys right now, but at my store from time to time we do get people that give us birds that they can no longer care for and we have gotten a few greys in that way. We normally sell the "pre-owned" birds for $300-$400.

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I am in Oak Hill which is about 10 mins from NASA. So south of Daytona east of Orlando and North of Cape Canaveral...I'm always willing to drive. I don't want to say that I wish someone would give up their CAG but in many ways I do...I'm just really hurt right now!

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I can't return it anyway there are no returns where I got it all. At this rate I don't see myself getting one anytime soon I would almost rather donate it to somewhere where other birds can use it. I mean the treats and food are not going to keep. The toys, perches, etc would keep but I would rather some birds in need have them to play with...when I was buying a acrylic chain toy tonight there was the most sweet cockatiel that wanted that toy and she didn't want to do anything but have me hold her. I felt bad because I knew she wanted the toy and I kind of wanted her but she was expensive. She was solid white I don't know if that is something special for a cockatiel but she was pretty and super sweet she warmed my heart while at the same time they were boarding a macaw who I was watching pluck himself bald....I just don't have any luck at all. This is the way things will probably go for the rest of my life...

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I'm in Ft. Myers...about 2 hours south of Tampa on the Gulf coast.


I'll be keeping my ears open for any needy greys and give you any info if I hear of one.


I always hate to see people get a parrot only to get ride of it because of time, money, or living situation but in a way it's good because at least they get a shot at a great life with someone else. I just wish people would do the homework into parrot ownership and not just buy on a whim.

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I would like that. I agree about research. I have tried to look up as much as my brain will soak up for the last 3 years since I found a Grey and called it down from a tree in Ohio. Fortunately for the owner my stepbrother found the owner a week later when he found out I had him, Unfortunately for me it was just another Grey I had to give up. I've been looking for a Grey I can afford to buy for just as long and have gone thru this type of situation over and over since. Its getting pretty hard to take. All I want to do is give a home to a bird, that doesn't seem like it should be so complicated but apparently it is. There is a bird in NC, Pollywog that I would love to adopt but it has to be within 150 miles so I can't give that sweet needy bird a home. It's just super hard when you are limited on what you can pay for the pet. I can afford to spoil it rotten just can't pay much to buy it :(

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Yes there are small birds but I really wanted a medium to large bird. I want to be able to cuddle them a little, I have had parakeets back when I was young and they are great to look at but I have yet to find a nice one that wants to be held and loved. All of them I ever had just wanted to bite me, stay in their cage, and have nothing to do with me and I'm here to tell you I tried and tried to be friends but all they were ever interested in was their mirror...

The cockatiel that I mentioned I would love to have but he is $300! I don't have that. I know she wanted me and I wanted her but the bottom line is I can't buy her. She didn't even want to leave my hand and almost seemed like she knew how to give kisses? I was kind of nervous she was going to bite me but gently she just put her beak near my mouth to touch and then to my cheek. Aside from that I have yet to find any bird I bond with like a Grey. I would have done anything to take that Macaw that was plucking home! I can't believe they just let him sit there and pull feathers! and he was boarded?! Someone give that bird some attention! Instead the girl at the register was handling a albino snake! Not like I don't think they deserve attention also but the birds are hurting! i can't stand it! I know Dave about all I have found in my area other than the parakeet is a duck and chicken in my price range...it's really sad around here in my opinion!

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Desiree though I really can't say anything that will make you feel better right now. I can give you some hope. I know it is frustrating but watch craigslist in your area. Yeah there are scammers out there. But thier are ligit people looking for new homes for thier birds. That is how I got Martini. He is not a grey but a senegal. I got him for $60. His old mom wasn't looking to get any money back on him she just wanted to make sure he went to a good home.


Martini hates me but he LOVES my daughter and she is momma. He even calls her that. He is so cute!


You can look at this as there is a very special bird out there for you and this was not him. He is out there and waiting for you to find him. {Characters-0002005F}

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Thanks Suzzique for the kind words. I hope you are right about me finding the right bird for me. It's just been a very sad experience/hunt. This is now bird number 8 that has fallen thru and I really thought this was finally going to happen and all my hunting had paid off. I was finally going to have a bird that needed me and that I need. It's hard enough being a 28 year old disabled veteran but I have been one since I was 21. Not alot has been going my way since and things aren't particularly getting better. I don't think this woman was a scammer I just think she is cruel! When a deal is made and a promise made people should follow thru. This was her bird not her fiance's that doesn't even live with her. She should have made him correct his mistake but instead it fell on me again. I don't know what to say...I'm just very sad like I said but if I ever find that bird I will spoil him/her rotten, wish me luck on my adventure to find him/her and if it ever happens to be a Grey I'll be back...thanks again everyone for the kind words and support. You guys are great I wish I was part of the Grey community. Good luck to all of you and your birds!

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There is no need for you to leave the forum. There are a bunch of people on the forum that do not yet have a grey. This is a great place to learn something new, make new friends, and talk about everything birds! Plus, you can never know enough about greys before you get one.:laugh:


I really feel for you...8 times has got to be ruff, but maybe it's for the best and the grey you were MENT to have is right around the corner.;)

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Desiree - So sorry to hear you have been let down at the last moment. That's just sad.


Keep your stuff and keep on searching the rescues. Perhaps you could make a local contact at one or more local rescues with in driving distance. Establish a good relationship with them and maybe even volunteer when you can. This would do a few things 1) Help a Parrot 2) Fill the hole in your heart while waiting 3) Help the rescue 4) You will know the instant a Parrot comes in and have the first opportunity to take home the Parrot you connect with. :-)


Hang in there!! :-)

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I don't have a grey yet either Desiree but I want one too! At this point I can't get one but I'm preparing for when I can. And this community is such a wonderful one- friendly and always has good advice!


8 times is rough. I am so sorry :( But a couple of sayings come to mind- nothing worth having is ever easy, and good things come to those who wait! I bet when you finally do bring home your grey that it'll be totally worth it!{Feel-good-00020114}

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Desiree, I am sorry to hear of your frustration in getting a grey but you will have one someday soon if it was meant to be. You seem like you have a lot of love to give and you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary for keeping a grey happy and healthy. It will happen for you, just keep your chin up and have a positive attitude.


The others have given you some excellent ideas for where to look for a grey or similar bird so the more places you look the greater chance of success.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you will find one soon for it would be the luckiest one alive.


And thanks to you for your sacrifice to our country, our veterans and especially our disabled veterans get my undying gratitude.:)

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Desiree I think that Dan's idea is a great one! There is a rescue place about 45 minutes from me that is always looking for volinteers. I have never been up there but here it is a really neet place to go. They let the general public go in and see the birds for a small fee. I'm sure there has to be a place near you! :)

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Desirre. Please dont leave the forum. I know you must be feeling awfull now.Some people are so callus. Look on this as an opertunity to take more time to read up in books and in this forum so you can learn all you can about greys. Dans idea if great. I hope its possible.I waited years and years for my grey. The wait is worth it. I cant believe you have had such bad experiences,but try and look possitive. I hope the air traffic controll comes off for you. That sounds such an exciting job.I am a boring fork lift truck driver. Good luck in the future and keep us all informed.



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Well I just wanted to update everyone. I am now the proud momma of a 5 week old Quaker. My friend is also a proud pappa of one of my babies sister/brothers. I have named her Radar and she is on 2 feedings still. She is doing very well and has taken to me as I have to her :) Thankyou all for the support. I hope to find a grey someday but for now this has helped fill the gap. I will take some pictures sometime soon and post so you all can see her too. Thankyou all again! :)

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