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I don't even know what to say I'm still really in shock. I haven't been able to sleep tonight, so this was the only place I really could think of coming.


I haven't been on this site much, but I've talked to a few people, and I own a Timneh African Grey(Greycie) and a Congo/Cameroon African Grey(Caesar).


Well tonight one of the worst possible things that I ever thought could happen happened. We found baby Caesar next to his cage with a broken neck. I'm still in shock, barely pullin myself together, I feel like I lost a child. It doesn't make any sense, this lil guy could fly. He would jump from the top of his cage and land on my head with no effort. I just don't see how he could have fell from his cage and snapped his neck.


First thing tomorrow morning I am taking him in for an autopsy, which I know he broke his neck, but I have to know how, because I am baffled. Did he eat something and have a seizure or somethin, and fall there and that's how he snapped it.


Because I know my bird, he's the best climber/flyer, I just can't see any situation where he could fall straight down and snap his neck, especially since he could fly.


I'll let everyone know more, as I figure out what happened. Everyone cherish your birds, cuze as I found out the hard way they are more fragile then they seem. I mean I treated these birds like glass, and I was out of my room for 2 minutes, 2 minutes. And even then my parents were right next door, when it happened, they were there in seconds. It's just crazy, anytime, anyplace. I've had people close to me die, and not shed a tear. This I can't even handle,I feel like I lost a child. I was ballin like a little bitch for an hour after this happened, and I'm sure more to come.



pparrots82208oj4.th.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: PThizzilini, at: 2008/09/12 12:27

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Oh god I am so sorry, what am awful thing to happen, the worst nighmare ever. He was such a young bird as well.


Is there any chance Caesar got caught or hit something when he fell or something freaked him out as I know if our female gets scared she turns into a scatter brain and her excellent flying/climbing skills go out the window.

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I'm so sorry I know exacatly how your feeling I lost a bird when I was a lot younger than I am now and I thought I'd never get over it. Your right it feels just like you lost a child. I know right now its very hard. It will get easier with time. remember that your Timnah needs you right now also as he will feel the loss too. please keep us posted on what the vet says about it. I would really like to know. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my fids

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PThizzilini OMG, my condolences. What can I say to make you feel better? Nothing......



I hope you will find out what happened because it indeed is very strange for him to break his neck while he could fly.




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PThizzilini I am so sorry to hear of your loss! I have lost birds also. One do to illness and one a very tragic accident. It is deveistating no matter how they pass!


Just my experence with Alex. He is a total goof ball and while goofing around upside down has slipped and fallen. Scares me every time I see him fall. Maybe this is what happend and your baby fell just right or maybe even hit something on the way down.


I hope you find out what happened!

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This is such sad news and I am so sorry for your loss, you have my condolences and I cannot imagine how you must feel but do not blame yourself, it was nothing you could have prevented.


Know that your Caesar has went over the Rainbow Bridge and you will meet up with him once again some day but until then you are in my thoughts and prayers that your heartache is eased somewhat.

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I'm so sorry. You have our prayers and best wishes. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through right now - just try to find some comfort in knowing that you a wonderful, carying and devoted parront - you did the best you could, and a wonderful job, and Cesar had the best life he could have ever hoped for with you - no matter how short it was. Try as best as you can to be patient, and in time you will feel better.

Best wishes,


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I am sorry to hear about cesar. I cannot imagine my life without my little Indy.


Its funny how these little creatures can be in our lives for even for a short amount of time and always manage to capture our hearts.


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/12 21:25

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This is so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you must be so heartbroken but you must not feel like it is your fault. You did the best you could to give your birds the best life they can have and now Caesar is flying free. Take comfort in Greycie now, she will also feel the loss and need your extra love. My thoughts are with you.

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I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby :( Just the thought of something like that happening to my greys (like you, I also have a Timneh and a Congo) breaks my heart.


Our thoughts/prayers are with you. Keep us updated and know we're here to help however we can, if not just to share the burden of grief a little bit.<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/09/12 23:45

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I'm so sorry about your pet. It might be good to have the autopsy to make sure it's not something that could affect the other bird. Do you have a dog? I know someone who's friendly dog was just too rough on a smaller pet and it's neck broke.

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OMG!!! I am so sorry...I'm tearing up as I type just thinking about it. I know there is noting I can say to make you feel better, but I do know what you are going through. I lost a 2 week old CAG that I was raising for the store. He was fine when I put him and the rest of the clutch to bed after their feeding, and when I got to check on them he was gone. He wasn't even mine, but I took him under my "wing" as if he was my own and the pain in my heart was earth shattering. I'm glad that you will be getting a necropsy done, because it will give you closure and from experience it will help your heart heal.


Again, I cannot say how sorry I am that you lost your grey in such a way but I hope you remember that he had a great home and knew he was loved. I'm sure he will be waiting for you on the other side and you'll be together again one day.

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Im so sorry for your loss.. You will never forget him, but time will heal (((hugs))) I lost my white bellied caique a couple years ago, from my own stupid mistake, and I still miss him and love him to this day, but it will get better with time, although I know right now it doesnt feel possible. Im so sorry:(

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