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Any one have any advice for www.birdtricks.com


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Has anyone used the parrot training videos from birdtricks.com...that guy "chet" I think his name is? I just ordered pellet food for my Grey from his website. Supposedly he has this organic healty pelletfood for birds...are they all the same? Does anyone know of the best food to feed a grey as far as pellets?

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My breeder recomended Kay Tee Exact Original formula available at most local pet stores. She said If I can find a Purina Dealer near my home that they have the best pellets. For me, Kay Tee Exact Origianl formula is good enough for me. Availability is important which is why I asked her what the next best thing would be. Since pellets are not the only food in their diet, the Exact brand should be fine.

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Guest Monique

The best pelletted food is Harrison's High Potency formula. This is not available to us locally so I order it on-line. Google some about Harrison's ... you won't be disappointed!!! :laugh: No, I don't own stock in them or anything. :laugh:


Even though that is a "complete" diet I still allow some foraging food, occasional millet, and a variety of fresh food. I believe that that is good for their minds and can tell a big difference when I feed a healthy variety - in my birds' attitude, happiness, and mental health.

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I use Zupreem Pellets and Kay Tee seed mix. I havent heard many good things on Chet, I read alot of reviews that the guy doesnt send the videos after you pay him. And others claimed that his videos werent even that great.

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Ryan13 wrote:

I use Zupreem Pellets and Kay Tee seed mix. I havent heard many good things on Chet, I read alot of reviews that the guy doesnt send the videos after you pay him. And others claimed that his videos werent even that great.


Ryan, Where did you find these reviews? I woul like to read some of them.

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  • 2 years later...

Right after I got George and Grace (lovebirds) and before Dixie or this forum, i found chet's site. Bought the clicker at the local pet store and even a book on clicker training. Well lovebirds were not tame and it was not going to work, and figured that out quickly after more research, however, i did order some food from chet's site and have never received it. Leson learned. Before getting Dixie I started more research and found this forum and read and read and read, learning much more than anything Chet could ever offer. Stay away from that idiot!



Being loved by a grey is all there is!

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def harrisons high potency fine or coarse pellets are the best, as to the womach bros, they just a money making org that only get results by making their birds go hungry, which is pitiful.

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When I first got Whisper and before I found this forum I subscribed to Chet's newletter. No matter how many times I unsubscribe I am still bombarded with email from him.


Whisper is on Harrison's. Which is organic and I think the best out there. I supplement it a little bit with Zupreem. I also give her a tiny bit of seed, a few almonds, carrots and sweet potatoes, grapes and apples.I have tried other veggies but she won't touch them.

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  • 4 months later...

i had respect for the womack bros(birdtricks.com) till i joined their facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/jacksnme?ref=nf#/pages/BirdTrickscom/10162906198?ref=mf)

i joined their page to share info and maybe get support for my pdd stricken companion. if i saw a fan asking a question that was left unanswered i answered it,if i saw a question answered wrong by chet or dave womack i corrected it. when i was attacked by others on their page i reacted.

they do NOT base anything they know from facts, they only give answers that will gain them praise from fans that they give much needed praise for doing what they approve of(one of their bird training techniques that they apply to people) they defend "organic" because they push "organic" i am not for nor against "organic" but was slammed by their "cult" when i mentioned the facts. they push training dvd's that only end up creating more problems that they just happen to have the dvd's to solve.

IMO-starving a bird or taking its food away so it performs better to get food is wrong. i have NEVER used food to train and i have worked w the worst of birds and made them the best,sweetest,obedient companions. my companion that is infected and dying from pdd had 5 owners b4 me that all went to the emergency room for stitches. he has zero issues, he never screams,never flock calls,never needs his cage locked,never makes any noise other than some turkey goobles plus he does all basic "trix" "turkey trick"-a trick containing 3 kisses,"the poison apple"-the basic lay on his back and wait for a kiss,the"big eagle"-self explanatory,"the crow"-sits on my shoulder and holds his wings out like the crow when he hears "crow","roll over"-he does a complete roll on his own to the left and then back on verbal command,"baby bird"-gets held like a baby and flipped over by his tail,,plus lots more, i didnt let him learn ,not "teach" learn his left from his right and how to count to 4 to amuse people i taught him because he wanted to b taught. yes it took a while, the womacks force birds to do what they want them to do. they talk of choice but dont exercise it. i never used a clicker or pointed stick at him or bribed him w treats. a clicker is not soo good for a birds nervous system and pointing sticks at an abused bird is about as helpful as waving a baseball bat at an inmate hoping for a positive reaction, yes its "quicker" but the long term result is bad.

i produced facts that organic was not shown to b better than conventional(the new york times was one sourse) and i produced facts that bottles vrs tap h20 was not shown to be much beter.(w bottled you pay for a bottle,a label and a name) again, i am not being pro nor con on water,just factual. to all the people on their facebook page that asked me "what do we feed our birds if they cant have organic and they cant have bottled or tap water" i said,im not saying to feed or not feed them organic or non or tap or bottled im saying that "if" u want the best to feed them what they would get in the wilde since alot of owners pride on trying to replicate the wilde and that would be rain water (there are horrible things in tap that would make you not want to drink it again) im on my third venus fly trap plant that is 2 years old now because it must have rain water,if watered with tap or bottled it will die in a few weeks(that should say something about water).... birds dont drink much water to begin with,and in dry seasons they get much water intake from fruits rich in water. again im not saying what to do or not to do , im only presenting facts.

my biggest problem was not only womack fans bashing knowledge but the womacks took down a picture of my companion that i took because he stopped eating and started again when i tried about 20 diff things the latter being ice cream which he ate and regained appetite. ice cream is better than nothing. the womacks said that they didnt want a picture of a bird eating dairy. i asked why and never got a straight answer. i told them several times that the fact is that birds CAN have dairy in some amounts and backed it w a number to the best known avian vet in the state on their facebook page. i asked again for facts but only got the womacks and their fans saying they heard that its bad,well,show me the proof,"they"is not proof,sorry but its not. i provided proof that they could anyone ever told others about giving their birds pizza crust only to b told "i hope you give your bird some of the pizza as well",well,cheese is dairy,lol. truth is,between celebrex (something that is not that great for people much less birds) and a little ice cream , i choose ice cream.

i tried to educate the womacks and their fans on pdd because their fans started to panic. the womacks posted some way out of date article on pdd that offered little if any info on the virus and most importantly it offered ZERO info on how to help prevent spreading the virus. for those that dont know,pdd is %100 fatal,%100 unable to be cured,and not treatable(unless u want to risk celebrex and hve your bird die from heart failure) they slowly starve,their proventiculous starts to fail,they have seizures,their wings get paralysis,their legs get paralysis,they throw up slime constantly till they die. i posted on the womacks page that they r only working w birds for the money and how do they sleep at nyte? they told me they would allow my birds picture if i included a caption as to y my bird could eat junk. i told the womacks that i really dont want to have to say "its ok for me because my beloved companion is gonna die anyway" thats way too morbid and i try to not think about him being sick. but they have no heart nor compassion for animals. they are all about money and thats it. there is alot more to the virus that i will answer if anyone wants to share info. thanks

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