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My african gray....NO NAME YET...insists on flying up to the top of my sunroom window every time the door is left open. I would'nt mind only he poo's all down the blinds.

How can I stop him doing this? I'd like to leave the sunroom door open all the time, but I can't because of this. Please help

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If you want him/her to be flighted then this will happen. You can potty train your bird to only poo where you want them to. Not that accedents don't still happen. You can try a lazer pointer and put the dot of light near your bird where you don't want him to be. It doesn't mean that he wont still go there but it's a good way to get them down. Also what about a playstand that he can fly to that is put in that area? You can then put stuff on the floor to make clean up easier.


Also not to sound mean but poo and major mess just goes with these amazing birds! I have food stuck to stuff that isn't even near his eatting areas. So you have to wonder if sometimes he isn't seeing how far he can throw his food.


They are incredably smart and can be tought. This takes time patients and lots of work on your part. They have a mind of thier own and sometimes no matter how well tought they just aren't going to do what you want. They will choose not to. This birds are NOTHING like having a cat or dog.


If you got this bird just to have a talking bird then you got it for the wrong reason.

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Hi Marions91 and welcome to the forum. That can be tough one to answer and I'm not sure if there is a way to keep them from pooing where you don't want them too. I have heard that they can be potty trained but what I do is either I keep them away from the area all together or I make the area easier to clean for me. My cages are on carpet so to protect the carpet I have laid out cut out pieces of linoleum under the cages so when the mess happens it's easy to clean up without getting the carpet soiled. Just an example of how I have had to compromise:)


My birds cages are also by windows and they have blinds too but I have to keep the blinds pulled up so they can't get to them mainly from biting through them and chewing the up. Maybe you can pull the blinds up? take them down? or get a different style blind that works out better? I know I have had to make some changes to accommodate my birds and we always seem to find something that works for all of us. A play stand might work in that area like Suzzique said if he knew that was his special place. Maybe you could take him down from the blinds and keep putting him on a play stand or something untill he knows that is where he is suppose to go. Or he may just have to be banned from that area unless you are with him. Hang in there.


I was also wondering how long have you had NO NAME YET;) and how old is he?<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/12 03:09

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Is ther any chance you can tuck a piece of plastic or a puppy pee pad just around and over the top of the blinds to save this mess. I no it is hard but it takes a little time to potty train. Mika is just 6 months old now and he is starting to get the hang of it. With me working and being out of the house for a few hours each day makes training a little longer but trust me they do learn. Have fun with him and enjoy.


Carolyn & Mika

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I just found out recently that they make birdie diapers too :woohoo: What will they think of next?! I don't know if they are a waste of time and money or if they work really well but thought I'd share that with you, too. Maybe he could wear them when you know he's going in that sun room.


I see his picture..he doesn't even look big enough to fly yet :laugh: Very Very cute!

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